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Mingi's POV




I think we did something wrong, it was pretty late and we haven't seen Woojin since she left after seeing us throw the cupcakes away. No matter where or who it's from, we don't eat or accept cupcakes. Especially the Captain, his past girlfriend made the best cupcakes and we would enjoy it. We would enjoy it so much that regular cupcakes from shops didn't taste as good as Destiny's. Woojin looked very hurt, Yunho must've given her a look and she ran off crying.

Woojin had came back late, but she was walking with a guy. Yunho tried asking her where she went in the most concerned way, but she ignored him and stayed in her room. "Guys she's not answering" Woojin skipped breakfast, lunch and dinner for the past 3 days now, whenever one of us would see her and try to talk with her she would walk the other way. I'm pretty sure she's hungry, but maybe we should give her time.

"Guys captain is in the kitchen and he's...." me and the others looked at Wooyoung waiting for him to continue. "Captain is baking" Wooyoung said and I swear I thought I heard wrong, "the captain is what now?" I questioned. Wooyoung signaled us to follow him and we did, after arriving to the kitchen we all rubbed our eyes multiple times seeing the short captain try to bake.

"Captain?" I spoke confused, he then turns around surprised. "What?" he says looking like a lost puppy, "are you trying to bake? with the stuff Woojin bought that you said you'd throw away?" San questioned. The captain then sighs and sits down, "I'm an idiot" he says hitting his head on the table. "I think we all are" Yunho says."Woojin must've put a lot of love into the cupcakes she made that day and we threw them out without even tasting them" Seonghwa says feeling terrible.

"I yelled at her and crushed it with my boot, after she left I felt horrible" Captain speaks up. "She's probably still upset with us, we should've just told her that-" "told me what?" I could swear I didn't hear that voice. We all turned around and saw Woojin dressed in a very nice outfit.



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"Well before we say anything I want to apologize, we didn't mean to do what we did" the Captain spoke walking up to her. "It hurt me, but Tink told me..., well showed me the reason and I get it." Woojin then hugged the Captain and he just froze and didn't hug back. "Can you ummm teach me how to bake?" Hongjoong spoke and Woojin smiled and looked at all of us. "Sure I'll show you, under one condition" we weren't sure what Woojin wanted but Captain said that he would do it.

Captain's POV



Woojin spoke to me in private, one of the main things she asked me was about her phone. I was hesitant, but gave it to her. "You have a lot of messages and calls" I told her and her eyes turned big. "I'm on the news and everything" she said as she looked through her phone. "So is my crew, it will be dangerous but we'll find a way to blend in once we take you back" I say after I ruffled her hair.

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