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Captain's POV

I sat there crying my eyes out, hoping no one could hear my sobs. For some reason I felt I was close to Treasure, of course many of you would think that I'm just using her just to find the treasure we seek. When in reality it's not only just that, I really like Treasure. I know we have to return her back to her family, something about her seems like she belongs with us.

Yunho had told me a story of his childhood, he says he remembers having a little sister and seen her for a few weeks but never saw her again after that. I knew about his brother Gunho because he talked about him a lot. Until one day he came to my quarters at night wanting to talk. For the first time he spoke about what's been bothering him.

He talked about his sister, he said he remembers his aunt had came and watched him and his little brother Gunho while his parents took his baby sister that was only a few weeks old with them. By night time Gunho had already fallen asleep, while he stayed up in his sister's room waiting for his parents to return with her. He was very upset and mad at his parents, they had came home without his baby sister.

Yunho had spoke more about it, he was a depressed mess and decided to run away from home taking his little brother with him. He said how they both got safely out the house and were very far from the house. I asked why did he run away with his brother being very tiny and young and stayed far away. He soon later explained that he left Gunho with their grandparents, then going back home and burnt the house with his parents trapped inside.

All because his parents left his baby sister at an orphanage. Being barely even four years old he was pretty smart for his age and knew what he was doing. I would do the same thing if I was him, if a sibling of mines was taken away I would be upset with my parents and be sad. Yunho talked how he didn't even go to the funeral. After a couple of years he left his grandparents house, Gunho finally understood the pure hate Yunho had towards their parents. Gunho lives on Treasure Island so I think that's where Yunho went off to. I was soon cut off from my thoughts when I heard a voice I thought I would never hear again.



I looked at the girl I was holding on to, she had tears running down her face. I quickly wiped them, "hey" I said softly "h-hey." We stared into each others eyes, "how you feeling?" I asked. "Pained, how are you feeling?" I just looked at her. "A mess, we've been so worried about you" I said..., "I thought we lost you" I choked on the last two words.

"How long have I been out?" "three days" I responded. She seemed really upset being out that long and worrying us. "Thank you for saving me Treasure" I say holding her hand more tight but gently. "You're welcome, I did what I had to do. I couldn't lose you like that, I may be a brat but I care about everyone on this ship including you. It's just taking time for me to get used to being with all of you. So much of you guys and being here rememinds me of my brothers back home, I get sad and emotional sometimes" she cries a little.

I really don't want to, but I'll do the right thing for once. As much as it pains me to let her go I have to let her be with her family. Even if it feels like she belongs with us.

"After you recover, I'll take you back home"


very sorry for the short chapter guys


next chapter will be long I promise

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