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·30 minutes before chaos·


Junyoung's POV


I had a plan all set

· one - escape this room

· two - head to the Captain's room without getting caught

· three - find his magic compass and break it

· four - while everyone is panicking I head to Woojin's room and throw her off the ship.

This was perfect, besides I've been meaning to get rid of her. I tried to seem like nothing was going on. The usual happened, Mingi comes in to check on me, then Wooyoung comes in with some food (which is very good by the way) the readers have said he was going to burn the ship down. Please. The one you should worry about in the kitchen is Mingi and the Captain himself.

I usually take a walk around the ship after eating. This time I played a little game called 'hide and chaos', just like hide and seek except people get hurt in 'hide and chaos'. Whenever a crewmate was near I'd hide and wait until the right time to continue my journey. Darn this ship for being huge and having many rooms, the things you'd find here would leave you speechless.


·15 minutes before until chaos·


I was in the Captain's room, now to look for the compass. I began looking around after locking the door, I looked everywhere. Except for his desk, I looked through his desk after making a huge mess and finally found it.

I remember Captain saying that if it falls into the wrong hands, bad luck occurs. If it breaks then let's just say some enemies will be released and who knows what'll happen. I laughed and quickly went silent when I heard the doorknob jiggle. "YA WHOEVER'S IN THERE OPEN UP" I can hear Mingi yell as he banged on the door. "Move Mingi" I heard San and he managed to kick down the door open.

"Junyoung-" "put the compass back where you found it" I smirked evilly and laughed. "This? you want this, is that what you want?" I spoke waving around the compass like it was a toy. "Ya Junyoung stop playing with it, it's not a toy!" San yelled as he tried to get closer.

I smiled threw it across the room, making sure it broke. I could see the anger in both Mingi's and San's eyes, but also fear. It didn't take long until both of them ran, screaming for the others on the ship to alert them of my evil doing.

Perfect! Now go hide and get to Woojin and throw her off this ship. I can hear everyone panicking, running, and running all around the ship trying to find me. Soon the enemies will be here and destroy everything, I laughed. I hid behind a barrel and saw the Captain getting out of Woojin's room after San alerted him what was going on.


·2 minutes before chaos·


Woojin's POV

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