The trip Begins

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(Star I think we should break up it's not about what you do or what you don't do it's where were heading)

I can't believe that jerk breaking up with me then saying we can't even be friends. Star. Star.
(Marco) Star where are you are you in your room (knock knock) Star I am coming in I made MARCO'S AMAZING NACHOS. Star you ok.
(Star)NO Tom Broke Up with me then left uhh such a jerk and he took the limited edition kitten name panda

(Marco)What wait he broke up with you then left I will be back star start here (Grabs dimensional scissors and makes Portal) Tommmmm
(Tom) WhAtt can't you see I am busy with my game Damn! What Marco. (Marco) Wtf bro star told me you dumped her then left Why I know she's not the best girlfriend but she's not the worst.
(Tom) Ok. I did dump her and left but that was because I was emotional and sad that I had to do that.
(Marco) you don't look emotional now you was just playing Mackie Hand 4 The iorn fist
(Tom) It It helps me calm down and why do you care about me and stars relationship you know you always loved her you should be happy. (Marco) No I am not happy star is in her room crying in a pillow and stress eating my Nachos I care for your choices but you could not found a better way to do it.
(Tom) NO it was perfect and it hurts me to know that she tried to love me but she always loved you have you ever seen how your always there when you she needs you or how she goes to you first and not her boyfriend or how you always do cool things for fuking hell you lived in the most dangerous dimension and I can't even fly over the devils canyon or how your so bold you come to her ex boyfriend house that's in HELL to confront him when I can kill you with a snap of my fingers.
(Marco) No I do it because I care for star you only see her as the princess of mewni and future queen not as a girlfriend you had her and you know what you Fuck That Up like every friendship you ever had this this it's over we are no longer friends and hekapoo will come to get her jacket back and that Love sentence shits not going to work and bring Mackie hand nots going to work. I'm out of here. (Tom) You know what good and No your not leaving when have some business that's needs to be finished karate boy.
(Marco)Well come at me then come on or you chicken what you going to do and this is a real fight not some ping pong match.

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