The spell

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So where we left off Marco died 🙁 .caught you by surprise didn't it well get ready. For a rollercoaster. So people ask me when is this it is on the episode that star and Tom broke up but different course of actions happen and later times. Ok enjoy my little Niko project.

(Star) call eclipsa.(eclipsa) hello star what can I do for you... Star are you OK. (star) I need a spell that can bring people back to life.(eclipsa) what happened.(star) it''s marco. He's gone I need a spell that can bring him back to life please,please. (eclipsa) oh my let me see um (minute pass) I found it now star this spell may not work I can't even do it.(star) I don't care just give it to me I need to bring Marco back I,I love him. (eclipsa) Ok here's the words. The dead the dead shall rise for I wish to bring forth this lost soul. (star) Ok thank you bye (hangs up)  (eclipsa) I hope she can do it.(star) Ok here we go. The dead the dead shall rise for I with to bring forth this lost soul. (narrator) Marco's body lifts in the air and lights start blinking. Marcos body then falls back down.(star) Marco.marco (sobs) Marco. (star sits next to Marco she starts to sob) (Tom) Welp let's see (sits down on couch)  humm here we are how to force a princess to love you for dummys high it even has a crossword.(I forgot toms emotional support guy so I will call him jack but if you comment his name I will put it in) (Jack) Do you really think all this is necessary (Tom)  yes yes I do she will finally love me (Jack)  if she doesn't love you then let her choose who she loves(tom) you know what (clap) (Jack) whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(tom) BYE.

(Your handsome narrator) wow I did not expect that if you did not know what just happened he killed emotional support guy  and has plans. Well until next time.

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