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(star) Marco, why Tom (Marco) where am I. Am I dead no no no I had so many thing to do what about star oh no star I never told her how I feel how I love her. Huh what's this this might be the way out (star crying) I have to tell Marcos parents that his dead (Kelly) when I see that jackass (Star fan) when we (star)  thanks I need to cut this meeting short. (all three girls) awwwww OK see you later (star)  bye. Ok well I need to figure out what to do .what the.Marco? (marco) what is this feeling.(Marco jumps out of stars bed) (star) Marcoo (tackles him) Marco (Marco) star I missed you I thought I would never see you again (Marco head) I wish we could stay like this forever (stars head) I wish we could stay like this forever (Marco)  uh star I can't feel my legs (star)  ohh sorry (Marco)  it's OK son what happened to me (star) you died I thought I would never see you again (Marco)  wait what never mind as long as I am with you because I I I(ms Diaz) star,Marco dinners ready (star) Ok! What did you want to say Marco?(Marco) that's not important I am hungry. First one down has to kiss ludo. (star mind) I wonder what he was going to say

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