Yeah, Wouldn't You Know

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Chapter three! So tell me if you like how the story is going so far or if I need to add some more drama, which will come in due time. I'm just building up some things first. What do you guys think of Amanda? Is she the cliche mean girl? Or maybe something different?

Danton's POV.

I was so excited! Natasha has actually agreed to see the movie with me! I can't wait to tell Jay, he's gonna freak! I looked over at Natasha and examined her face while she wasn't looking, she had blonde hair and blue eyes, sometimes the color changed from blue to green to grey.

Her lips were fuller on the bottom and made a beautiful bow shape, they were beautiful deep pink, her skin was pale, but I thought that was beautiful, it made her pink lips and blue eyes stick out more. She was wearing glasses right now and they looked adorable on her.

They sat a little crooked, but honestly that was hot to me. "So I looked at the movies they're showing and there's Black Widow...." I was cut off by a squeal, "YES!" She looked so excited my heart skipped, I laugh, "Black Widow it is then," I looked back to the road and my pulse spikes.

I lunge over to the passenger side to protect Natasha, and....

3 hours later***

"Dan! Dan! Wake up buddy! Wake up!" I hear a frantic voice buzzing in and out, it sounds so far away, "Dan! Please!" I hear it more clearly now, "Why isn't he waking up?! You're a doctor! Help him!" This time it was much clearer and much louder.

I try to open my eyes, but it seems as if they're glued shut, "Wh-what's going on?" I manage to croak out, "Dan! Buddy! You're in the hospital, you barely made it, the motorcycle hit the windshield and we thought you were dead!" I hear Jay, my best friend, my brother, and he's crying.

"Jay? It's ok, I'm fine, I just can't open my eyes..." Jay breaks out into a sob, "D-Dan...I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry.." "Jay? What's going on?" I hear a nurse call Jay out of the room, then it's silent and the only thing I can hear is distant crying, "Danton Phibbs." A deep voice calls out, "Yes? Are you a doctor? Can you help me? I can't open my eyes."

The man sighs, "I'm sorry Danton, but you won't be able to see, ever again." It feels like a knife just went through my heart, "NO! I-I can't! That can't be! YOU HAVE TO FIX ME!" Tears travel down my face and I reach up to feel them, my tears. My eyes, my vision is gone.

I hear someone rush into the room, "Dan! I'm so sorry!" Jay cries, he takes my shoulders and cries on me. I can't hold back my tears either, so we just sit on the hospital bed, crying. Suddenly a thought comes to my mind, "Jay! Where's Natasha?!" Jay mumbles something under his breath, "What, Jay? Tell me."

"She hasn't woken up yet, you shielded her from most of the wreck, but she's still unresponsive." A sharp pain went through my heart, this is all my fault! "Oh, Man, oh manohmanohman." I put my head in my hands and start to feel tears resurface again. "Hey, Dan, it wasn't your fault. The stupid guy parked his motorcycle practically in the middle of the road!"

I clench my fists, "IT WAS MY FAULT!!!" I scream, all I hear is crying again and I know that it's Jay. "I'm so sorry man, I'm so sorry!" In all the years I've known Jay I'd only heard him cry three times, once was when he found out that Monica wasn't his real mother, the other was when he broke his arm after he crashed on his bike, and the last was when I had gotten so sick two years ago with bronchitis.

And now he's crying because I'll never see again. I'll never be able to play video games with him or practice football which were both horribly bad at, but we had fun anyway. I'll never be able to count the green cars with him in detention when we'd both managed to get ourselves in trouble, and I'll never be able to see Natasha...

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 02, 2019 ⏰

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