APRIL 19, 2017- VITA

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APRIL 19, 2017 - VITA

          “Is it possible to become so close this soon? I mean, we just met a few days ago and this is the first time that we actually talked about ourselves,” I asked while biting onto my cheeseburger that I bought from the hospital cafeteria. Out of all the dishes displayed, only the cheeseburger suited my cravings. There were viands like nilaga, sinigang, and adobo but they look a little anemic. Anyway, there weren’t any food that was prohibited to me since I was just recovering from a supposedly traumatizing event.

          He took a spoonful of mac n’ cheese and chewed. “I think so? There are people who just, you know, click together. By the way, this mac n’ cheese is disgusting,” He said as he almost spit out the food, but tried to swallow it anyway. Fortunately, he managed to eat the whole thing while acting as if it wasn’t such a big deal.

          “I get that, but… I don’t even know your name,” I said as I realized that I didn’t ask for his name yet.

          His face was a little shocked, like it just had a sudden realization of things. And yes, maybe he did realize that after all the personal talking that we did a while ago; we still didn’t know each other’s name.

          “Well, I’m Dionne and you are?”

          “Gabriel. It’s nice to meet you, Dionne. Your name sounds gorgeous,” He complimented while giving me the widest smile he can ever give.

          “Not sure if you were complimenting me or not,” I answered.

          “Why? You don’t think your name is gorgeous? I think it is. It’s like an abbreviation of Dionysus, the God of wine.”

          “And?” I asked.

          “And wine represents a lot of things. Wine can be a symbol for life and strength. Ironic, isn’t it? Your name represents life and strength, yet here you are, trying to kill yourself,” He sarcastically joked. Even if it was a joke, it was about me and my decision. I can’t just let him off.

          “I did it because I had to, not because I wanted to. Do I look like the person who would kill herself because of something petty?” I fired back. It was as if we were having a debate and neither would back down.

          “Then tell me why,” He strongly asserted.

          “Because I was depressed! I was full of worries, despair and hopelessness,” I answered, almost shouting. It was a good thing that there were only few people eating in the cafeteria. Most were nurses who just finished their shifts. Others were patients with their personal nurses.

          “You know what they say about worrying?” He asked. I gave him a suspicious look. Then he answered, “Don’t.”

          “I can’t,”

          “You can. Just believe, seriously,” He sighed. I was very hard to persuade. I was stubborn. Not even my mother could persuade me in doing things I didn’t want to do. I had my own mind, my own decisions. No one could stop me. 

          “Maybe,” I answered.

          “Don’t say maybe,”

          “Then,” I said, as if measuring things, “I will?”

          “Not even. Say I can,”

          “Why are you so persuasive anyway? This is my life. Don’t try to drive my own car,” With confidence, I answered back. He smirked at what I said like it was so wrong and he was totally right.

          “I wouldn’t try to drive your car if you’re driving on the right path, kiddo,” He said.

          “Kiddo? Just how old are you to call me a kid?” I asked.


          “You aren’t too old. I’m just 17.”

          “I don’t care about ages. Come, let’s buy some ice cream!” He said. Ice cream was something I couldn’t resist. Therefore, I shall come with him! 

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