MAY 04, 2017 - RESURRECT

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MAY 04, 2017 - RESURRECT

          The next day came so fast that almost everything went on a blur. I woke up with Lia sleeping next to me. She stayed here until lunch, but came back home afterwards. My eyes are still puffy from the crying session yesterday, but I feel resurrected. It was as if I was back from the dead. I called Gabriel to thank him for persuading me to talk to Lia. He said that it was fine and that was what he did before, too.

          The next person I called was Nick, my other best friend. Nick is one of the bad boys who became close to me. It didn’t take him long enough to answer the call.

          “Hey there!” He greeted, “Who’s this?”

          “Um, hey, Nick. It’s Dionne,” I answered.

          When I dropped my name, he didn’t talk. At first, I thought he hanged up but he didn’t. Instead, he just let me talk on my own so I did.

          “Why don’t you talk, Nick? Are you scared?” I dared him, “Don’t be afraid of me, Nick. Be afraid of yourself.”

          “I’m not afraid. I just don’t have any reason why I should talk to you,”

          “Fine. Don’t talk, but let me speak to you. Just listen to me,” I said but he remained silent.

          “Silence means yes, right? Anyway, I called you to tell you that I committed suicide. Big news, huh? Correct. But what’s bigger than the big news? You, Nick. Out of all the people who knew me, you were the one who I most expected to visit me or even message me. You really gave the meaning of expect the unexpected, but you know, that broke my heart even more than how you did before,”

          “Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, in the cruel world called Earth, there lived a damsel in distress named Dionne. Oh yes, she was distressed but here comes her knight-in-shining armor, Nick. Nick always helped Dionne every time and because of that, they became the best of friends together with Lia, but who knew that the knight-in-shining armor was actually just using the damsel in distress? Yes, Nick used Dionne so that he could be close to Lia,”

          “So you knew?” He asked with confidence. I was taken aback at first, but continued.

          “I knew, but I didn’t tell because I understood. I knew you love Lia even from the start. I was rooting for both of you and you became a couple. I was happy to see both of you happy, but when you knew that Lia and the girls are about to do a prank on me, you didn’t even stop Lia. You didn’t even budge. Oh wait, you did. You actually encourage Lia to do a better job at pranking me. Kudos to you!”

          “I was trying to be a good boyfriend,” He answered.

          “By spoiling Lia and becoming a bad influence? Oh yes, that’s a really good thing to do as a boyfriend,”

          “Look here, if you’re just going to tell me all the bad things I did, it would take a week or more so would you please just cut it off?” He angrily said.

          “Okay then, let me get to the point. I’m sorry,” I apologized.


          “I’m sorry for not being a better friend. I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry for always depending on you. I’m sorry,”


          “Sorry, Nick. Sorry,”

          “Dionne, I’m sorry,”

          “No, Nick. I’m sorry. I should be the one apologizing to you. Actually, I have always depended on you and always put the blame on you. I talked to Lia yesterday, and we had a lot of fun. Please Nick. Forgive me,”

          Truth is, Nick wasn’t that bad. Nick wasn’t bad at all. I was thankful to him. Without him, my life would have been a living hell. How could I not be thankful to a bad boy when he actually has a good heart?

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