Chapter One

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I never understood the reasoning for all of this, everything was thrust onto me so fast; one minute I am on all accounts a "normal" teen. But then again, what constitutes normal these days? Taken from my comfortable life I was thrust a tail spin of total anarchy, and it all started with one person. A person I thought I knew, a person who had been in my life and who I had spent literally almost every day with. It is funny how well you think you may know someone and without worming something happens and then you see, they were nothing like you thought. Thats how I ended up married and tied to the bed of the one person I thought was my best friend and my other half.

The confusing, scary, and entirely weird situation I find my self in now all started two years ago, exactly two weeks from my eighteenth birthday. What I thought was just going to be another plain boring year of my life turned out to be entirely chaotic.

Who would have thought to put numbers in with letters? I mean didn't they know how hard math was without letters? Now they have letter, numbers, and symbols all mixed together into one big mess of weird formulas, that they think the common teenagers can figure out. I mean come on, most teenagers cant even pass english and they expect us to pass this junk. We wont even use this in our lives, well unless you become a physicist, or mathematician... maybe a rocket scientist. My point being most people wont use this crap again, yet they insist on teaching it year after year!

"Ky, babe wait up." A voice called. Babe, there was that stupid word again. I keep telling him that he shouldn't call me that. I am not his girlfriend, nor do i think its appropriate for a guy to be calling his best friend, who may i point out is also a male, babe. But he being himself apparently is the only one allowed to address me in that way. The he we are talking about is my best friend since birth and "second half", Jace Blake.

"KY!" I heard once again breaking me out of my retrieve. I turned just in time to see my best friend trample over a kid half his size to get to me, which would not be difficult seeing as he is was approximately six foot four inches. Not only is he a giant but built like one as well with muscles that out beat myself by twenty pounds and I am relatively built for a highschooler.

I watched Jace walk up to me and couldn't help but take in his appearance today, its almost like he wants people to fawn over him, like seriously how did an eighteen year old even get so big? It doesn't make any sense. Sporting a shirt which I think he may have stole from his little brother it was so tight, and wearing dark jeans; his black hair was pushed back off his face being help by the pencil behind his ear. As he finally reached me, I couldn't help to notice how bright his blue eyes looked today, almost as if the lightened a shade over night.

"Hey babe," he said when he stepped up to me, "your coming to the game right?"

Inwardly I sighed, oh shit I had forgotten, his big quarter final game. I really didn't want to go; not only do I have a english paper due that i oh so conveniently forgotten to write this weekend, but I had scene enough of his games to last a life time. However; I know that staying home would not be an option, god only knows what happened last time I decided not to go.

"Yeah Jace ill be there, how could I not?" I replied smiling at my best friend. A thousand watt smile lit his face and asked, "your still wearing my jersey right?"

"Do I have a choice?" He smirked and stated,

"Nope, oh and your coming to my house after school for dinner before the game and we will just go to the game together." I groaned and replied, "but you know I have a huge english paper due, why cant I just meet you here at six for the game? So I can get some of my paper done." He shook his head, "no, you can do it at my place." "bu-," "Don't argue ky, ill see ya after school." With that he kissed my cheek and winked as he swiftly proceeded down the hall for his final class of the day. I sighed and walked to my history class muttering to my self, stupid controlling ass.

Class was interesting I was really getting into the holocaust topic with my partner Jason Morris, a guy who Jase does not like me hanging around with because he quote "stares too much", too bad he cant control who Mr Sikes pairs me up with. Jason and I were doing research for our project; we probably were the only ones who were actually doing work and not chatting about the up coming game against the West side Jets, and were so deep into it that we missed the last bell. Causing me to scramble all of my stuff together while giving a hastily goodbye to Jason as I was running out the door to meet Jace. I didn't want him to have to come looking for me and find me with Jason, that would not be good.

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