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The banging of loud music and booming voices was all I could pay attention too. The loud obnoxious drunks downstairs were attempting sing along to the songs that were  blaring over the speakers. I had been  holed up in Jace's room attempting to get my paper done for class tomorrow, and despite being across the house the noise was still reaching me like it was outside the door.

After the win over the West side Jets Jace stuck true to his word and invited the football team, their respective partners, and the cheer squad over to celebrate. By now though half the school I swear has shown up after most of the players tweeted about the celebration.

I cannot concentrate on anything, I am really debating just sneaking out through back door, I'm sure Jace wont notice. The only problem I would face is trying to find a ride home, I don't really want to walk an hour or so to my house in the dark. Maybe I could find one person that hasn't been drinking to drive me home? I thought about phoning my parents, but I didn't want to disturb them at the dinner for my dads business.

The sound of a door slamming open startled me out of my thoughts. Jace came through holding a bottle of what looked to be Jack Daniels.

"babe, why aren't you down enjoying the festivities?" he questioned while making his way over to me. Is he seriously asking me that, doesn't he even listen to me?

"Jace, you know why! I have this stupid paper due tomorrow and if you hadn't noticed I am trying to write it. Which I will have you know is very hard when you have half the school yelling downstairs and music blaring." Exasperated after my speech I threw myself onto the bed and buried my self in Jace's covers. I screeched when I felt a hand grab my ankle and pull me down to the end of the bed. Jace pulled me to the end of the bed and threw off the covers, before yanking me up and pulling me gently towards the door. "common Ky your coming down with my for a little bit, worry about your paper later."
"LATER!, later Jace?! its due tomorrow! Its already eleven by the time everyone leaves it will be what two? Three? God its a Thursday why couldn't you wait until at least tomorrow?!" I growled out in frustration. Jace sighed set his bottle down on the dresser beside him and turned to me grabbing both my shoulders with his hands before replying,
"Babe, if I threw  the party tomorrow, it wouldn't be for the celebration for today now would it? and as for your paper, I can ask Mrs Kaarp to give you an extension she owes me a solid anyway. So relax and come down with me even if its just for a bit, then if you still want to come back up after you can." With that he gently brushed my blonde hair away from my face and behind my ear. He then leaned forward and gently took ahold  the my glasses I had on and straightened them. "you should wear your glasses more often, they make you look cute." I smacked his hand away and blushed furiously, "dude! don't say that kind of stuff, Im manly not cute!" I declared in confidence. He just laughed and grabbed my hand and bottle of jack before walking out the door tugging me along.

Sweat, booze, and a foul odour was all I could smell the minute I descended the stairs. Once I reached the bottom I viewed the scene before me, it could be taken right out of one of Hollywood's movies. Teenagers were everywhere; some making out, some dry humping each other to the music,  others just stumbling around while the majority were around the huge beer pong table set up in the room.

Jace lead me over to our group of friends that consisted of Xavier, Oakley, Silas, and Mikayla. We have all been friends since pre school and have stuck together ever since. As we reached the group Xavier look up and smiled his honey brown eyes shining in contrast to his black hair, "well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in... or should I say dog." Xavier winked pointedly at Jace
"ha, ha very funny loser." I replied punching him in the arm. Xaiver was about two inches shorter than Jace but about the same size. He was Jace's "second" best friend as he puts it, and a pain in my butt. Always making sexual jokes about me and Jace, not to mention poking fun at my virginity. Its not as though its a choice. I have just never had a girlfriend, nor have I made it passed second base. It's embarrassing I know.

"Yeah Ky why didn't you come out earlier? I missed you!" A voice came from behind me. I turned to see Anna, the girl I had secretly been crushing on and who wouldn't ? This girl was a beauty! hazel eyes and deep brown hair with an hour glass figure and big chest. "Oh hey Anna," I said nervously trying not to stare.
"Hey wanna grab a drink and sit out on the deck? its so hot in here!" She asked while pulling off her sweater, leaving her in a tight white tank top. oh jeez, I fell like a hot mess! "uh y-yeah sure sounds good!" I replied nervously and was about to step away from the group when I felt a tight hand grip my wrist pulling me to a stop. Startled I looked behind me to see Jace with a scowl on his face, "No, we just got him down here, he's not going any where with you." He stated and I swore I saw his blue eyes flash gold before my attention was pulled to Xavier. "Yeah Anna he's going to chill with us a bit, but hey I think Scott was looking for you, you were making out with him earlier weren't you?" He stated with a smirk. I quickly turned back to Anna to see her blush furiously and start to hastily walk away, I knew it was too good to be true. Why would a girl like that be interested in a geek me.

"Dont be sad squirt, " Xavier said, "she's slept around with a lot of people, you don't need any of that, trust me I know." Jace took the opportunity to pull my back into his chest and leaned down to say, "we are just looking out for you. Lets go get a drink and sit out by the fire for a bit yeah?" I didn't get a chance to answer before I was herded out to fire fire and sat down on a log. There was not a lot of room near the fire so I ended up sitting with my back to Jace. The position was a little uncomfortable, I mean were two guys but we are sitting like a couple would. Every time I tried to scoot away from him, he would grab my by the hips and pull me back. Eventually I just gave ups and allowed him to hold me. Mikayla leaned forward and handed me a drink from a cooler situated beside her, I gladly accepted. Perhaps with a little liquid courage I could sneak away and ask Anna on a date! 
After an hour of sitting there and many drinks later, everyone  was focused on a story Hannah, bouncy red headed cheerleader was telling. She was dramatically flipping her red hair back and forth while poorly imitating Xavier. I laughed as Xavier tried to smack Hannah, but she skillfully dodged his attack and managed to shove him off the log onto the ground.
I reached forward and grabbed my drink off the ground, swaying a little as I did so. I was about to bring the cup to my lips but a hand reached over mine and gently pulled the cup out of my grasp. I whined as Jace put the cup behind him on the ground and turned to me
"you've had enough, that was your fourth in an hour." He scorned as he wrapped his arms around my waist once again. I moaned and slapped is hand. "your not my father," I stated, "you cant tell me what to do!" I exclaimed while rolling my head against his shoulder, my body taking on a numbing effect now making it difficult to control my actions. Maybe he's right I thought, I didn't need any more and closed my eyes allowing Jace to support my body. I felt him rest his head against my exposed shoulder, I turned my head and opened my eyes to look into his, he smiled and whispered, "you know I love you right, your my best friend, my everything." This again I frowned, why does he keep saying this? "you know I love you Jace! id do anything for you." I whispered back seriously. I saw his eyes flash gold again as he squeezed me tight and smiled.

I couldn't help but drown out everything around me, my thought consumed by Jace, why was he acting exceedingly possessive lately? and what is with all this I love you stuff? And maybe I am just seeing things but those flashes in his eyes! I was broken out of my thoughts as a screech was heard from Hannah, Xavier had gotten his revenge and dumped his drink on her.

I allowed my self to be drawn back into the scene in front of me, watching my friends bicker and laugh, with the unsettling thought in the back of my mind, what isn't Jace telling me.

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