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Eyes sharp as as razors, Dean looked into Alex's eyes as she guided Beau up from the table. She picked up the compliant girl's food tray and disposed of it, taking her hand in hers, their fingers interlaced as they walked out of the cafeteria. Dean turned to Beau, mimicking the behavior of someone excited, though she was far from it.

"Sorry about earlier. I couldn't find my calculus textbook and I was freaking out. My name is Dean by the way"

Beau nodded barely processing what was happening around her. She hadn't even realized she left her backpack in the cafeteria until she registered the lightness of her shoulders. It felt uncool to ask to go back to get it so Beau let it be.

"Oh that's a pretty name. I'm Beau. I hope you found your textbook" she gave a soft smile. Though she wasn't aware what this girl had in mind she still kept faith that it wasn't anything bad.

Quickly surveilling the empty hallway of which the pair walked down, Dean hurriedly pulled Beau into the bathroom and straight into a stall, pushing her to sit on the toilet. She locked the stall and looked down at the obedient girl giggling softly as she removed her jacket.

Slowly, she peeled it off of her shoulders and placing it on the Beau's baffled lap. Next she pulled her shirt over her head slowly and also gave that to Beau, fully aware of the oddity in her actions. The purposeful girl turned her back towards Beau and pulled her sleek dark hair over one shoulder, looking back at the other.

"Fix my bra strap please?" She pouted slightly before looking forehead as not to strain her neck.

The familiar heat of anxiety one again inflamed Beau's body and mind. She could not even bare to look at Dean's nearly bare back as she felt the weight of the constricting stall walls close in on her. She felt dizzy, her mind scratching for an explanation and more importantly a way out.

"I-I don't think I can help with that..." she tried to get out of the stall but the space had seemingly become too small for her body, restricting her every movement she tried to make. The entrapment prohibited her heart to beat properly in the enclosed space but still her kind searched more for an escape.

"There are mirrors in the bathroom. I'm sure you can do it yourself..." Her head felt as if were being filled with sand,confusion taking over all of her other senses. Was this normal behavior? It couldn't be, she told herself.

Dean could physically feel the uneasiness radiating from Beau's small body. This fueled her agitation despite her knowing why the other reacted as such.

"Sorry I pulled you into the stall like this without any warning. I didn't want to run the risk of someone walking in and seeing us together. They would never stop laughing." She laughed a bit herself as she twisted her neck to look over her shoulder. "Hurry now"

The realization of her words filled her chest with anger rather than confusion. Beau hadn't the slightest clue of Dean's intentions but she had no desire to sit around and find out. Her displeasure propelled her from her seated position on the toilet, Dean's clothes falling to the floor from her lap, where she stood behind Dean ready to shove her out of the way of her exit.

"Leave me alone, weirdo!"  Thankfully Dean turned her body to allow her to open the door for her to quickly storm out of the bathroom and back to the lunch room. She whirled past the students and teachers, her mind numb and thoughtless.

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