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Beau woke up the next morning and lived it as it were yesterday, repeating the same routine only today there was more drag in her step. Skipping breakfast she headed straight to her bicycle. Her tired eyes almost looked over the note left on it. She peeled it off and read it quickly not having any thought as to who it may be from. What was the worst that could happen, right?

Beau checked the time on her phone before taking off towards school. Each pedal pumped her with excitement and wonder. The note gave her hope in the strangest way. She arrived at school and locked her bicycle up and waiting patiently underneath the oak tree.

Dean shot out of bed hearing her alarm. Her legs trembled underneath her as she looked around her room. Her already racing heart seemed to beat at a record pace now as she tried to understand the situation. She couldn't believe the sight I'm front of her as her entire room layed in ruins. She hadn't a single memory of doing so and that caused her stomach to drop to the floor.

The dismantled girl began to step over the mess on the floor to get to the bathroom. Only when she passed the full length mirror did she realize that she was completely naked. Dean made it a point to never sleep without clothes, in the event of an emergency she would say. One red flag after another billowed in her panicked mind.

Once in the bathroom she examined her face and body checking for any signs of trauma to indicate she was attacked. Everything appeared to be fine so she chalked it up to her sleeping walking. That seemed to be the only plausible reasoning and it saved her the trouble of worrying. Dean continued with her morning routine as usual and made her way to school.

It was when she parked her car that she realized she'd told Beau to meet her under the tree. She scoped the area finding it was vacant before scurrying over to the tree where Beau stood looking around. She greeted Beau with a forced positive attitude , handing her a cup of coffee that was decidedly hers until now. "good morning beautiful"

Beau smiled, this gesture far too contrastive from the other's previous behaviors for her to understand. Instead of pointing out the inconsistencies in her character she took the coffee with a smile that refused to meet her eyes. "Thank you.." There was a brief moment where the girls smiled at one another and muttered no words as they waited for the other to break the silence first.

"Hey... I'm sorry for being kinda bitchy to you yesterday. You helped me out a lot so I should be thanking you." She rambled on much to her own surprise, the humility of her apology swallowing her whole as she stood frozen. The corner of her lips pulled upwards to mimic a smile, her next move was to hug Dean. She held the cup of coffee firmly in her hand as she took a step forward to maneuver her arms around the other.

Dean reciprocated the hug, pulling her closer out of habit. She took a deep breath, her scent bringing about a feeling of familiarity. Dean nuzzled her face in the unknowing girl's neck to get a better smell as she realized exactly what the smell was; the perfume Monica wore. Shaking her head slightly, she blinked a few times and pulled away from the hug smiling warmly at Beau. The flip had switched  taking her away once again. She succumbed to it so easily. "Let's go somewhere for lunch today Monica"

"Don't make me wait too long. We'll take my car today, okay." Dean gave Beau a quick peck on the cheek and smiled brightly before she hurried off to her class. An opposition to the previous day, she sat at the front, center of the row and excitedly listened to the lecture that seemed to not last nearly long enough.

Wheein smiled back but was confused after being called an incorrect name. She brushed it aside but took note of the name Monica. As she watched the perplexing young girl walk away she realized they had the same first period and should be walking together. She started to run after her but decided against it. Play it cool, don't seem too eager.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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