Laura Reviews Things - READ FIRST

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Hello, all! 

I am offering a free review service for those with books under 1k reads. This is being offered in conjunction with the Rising-Up Book Club, but the service is open to anyone whose book is under 1k! 

I will read and critique your requested book chapter by chapter, and then post my review here with a final rating. Reviews will be done holistically and the rating will be on a scale from 1-10. Please remember that this is my opinion, and I am not the New York Times Bestseller List. I will always do my best to post a fair and accurate review of all material available! 

I will guarantee reading at least 5 chapters of your work (or however much there is) for my review. For the most part, I will almost always read the entire work, barring unreadable grammar and spelling. 

All that said, I will be honest. I do not intend to give a fluffy review, and much of my comments will contain constructive criticism. If you are worried that you may not take this well, please don't request- I will not pull reviews from my book, and I will not deal with angry comments about your review. 

However, in the spirit of improvement and helping small writers, you may request a re-review of your book a minimum of two months after the original review was posted, provided that you've been working on your story and don't just hand me the same one! 

I acknowledge that I do make mistakes, and if there is a glaring mistake, please point it out, but I will not deal with rudeness in my book. That includes rudeness towards other writers! Please keep it civil in the comment sections! 

A final note of warning- I, like any person, have subjects that I am passionate about, and I may take it upon myself to really drive home those points in my review and comments if I see something incorrect. It will *not* affect your final review unless the subject affects major plot points or may change how the book proceeds (Ex. Someone in the modern day US military is a general by 30, I won't accept that as reality, because it isn't plausible). These subjects will be posted in the next chapter, but please do not let this dissuade you from requesting a review, unless you simply have a burning hatred for the finer details of hurricane formation.  

I will not review fanfiction or erotica. Please do not ask. 

Simply comment on this chapter with the name of your book and the genre. I will confirm your requests in chronological order with a response to your comment. Reviews will be done in chronological order. Any requests posted outside of this chapter will not be accepted!

If for some reason you insist on paying me back somehow, please read and comment on Author- Especially comment, I love it! 

Happy Reading and Writing! 

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