Favorites and FAQ

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Favorite Topics of Mine

- Weather

- Plate Tectonics 

- US Military (USAF is the best)

- Mental Health


How do I get a review?

Leave a comment on the previous chapter. 

My book has over 1k reads. Will you review it anyway? 


Why not? 

If you have over 1k reads, you probably already have a fanbase, and there are plenty of other reviewers out there! 

Will you take down my review?

Only if you re-request after the 2 month waiting period.

Why haven't you reviewed my book yet?

I'm either backlogged or I'm getting to it! I'm human and I can only do so much at once. 

My book reached over 1k reads while it was in your queue. Will you still review it?

Of course! I accepted and I will follow through! There's no need for me to pull it because you began to see success! 

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