Part 3~The One With The Slutty Bully and The Ass Whooping Friends

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*1 week later

"Alright! Today's the dayy! We get to whoop a bitch ass! You ready Lucy?" "I've never been more ready for anything in my whole life!"

They waited till recess hour, because no teachers or security would be outside to stop them. "Are you guys sure about this?" Aries questioned one more time. They both said yeah, and with that, the slutty bully, aka Cana Alberona, would get the ass whooping of a lifetime. Class went by in a flash, because everyone was fantasizing Erza and Lucy kicking ass.

At recess, the two girls waited outside for Cana. When they saw her, they approached and took her into a corner where nobody could see what was going to happen to her. "So slut, I hear you threatened our little friend Aries, right?" Lucy asked. "So what if I did, it's not like you two could do anything to me. I'll just do the same thing to you too." She said snobbily. "Alright, Lucy. Fuck talking, let's fight!" Erza said.

The fight was on. Erza and Lucy were going to tag team the fight, with Erza starting it off. She swung at Cana, and connected her fist with her face. She began to drag her by the hair, while kneeing the bitch in the face many times. Then, Cana swung back, but missed. She kicked Erza in the shin, which sent enough pain through her body to throw her off. Cana began to beat up Erza. But she quickly lost the advantage, because Erza clocked her in the head. Next, it was time for Lucy to do what she needed to do.

Lucy came into the fight swinging. She successfully hit Cana multiple times, causing her to lose her balance and fall. Lucy sat on top of her stomach, and began repeatedly punching her in the face. She started slamming the back of Cana's head into the concrete floor. "This is what you get bitch! Nobody messes with someone I treat like family and gets away with it! Die you fucking slut!" Erza tried to pull her off before she did anything too harsh, but it wasn't working. So Aries, Loke, Mystogan, Natsu, Mira, Meredy, Lyon, Gray and Juvia all had to pitch in, or Lucy was actually going to kill the girl.

"Babe, what the hell?!? You can't go ahead and kill her!" Natsu yelled. Lucy shrugged. "Hehehe.....I guess I lost control for a little bit back there huh?"

They all threatened Cana to keep her mouth shut about what happened here, or she would have another ass whooping waiting in her future. "Okay! Okay! I'm sorry that I threatened you Aries! And I will stay away from Loke! Just please, please don't beat me up again." "Damn right you will bitch!" Meredy snapped at the bimbo. "Chill please baby, okay?" Lyon said to her. "WAITTTT! Y'ALL ARE TOGETHER?!?" Everyone exclaimed happily. They both blushed and turned 50 shades of scarlet. "Oops, I guess now they know, right babe?" Meredy face palmed. " and Lyon are together....we've been together for 3 months." Everyone was happy for them, and just like that, recess hour was over.

After a long day of Mr. Zeref and his boring ass lectures, the school day was over. Aries and Loke were walking together. "Hey, little lamb. Do you wanna hang out and get ice cream with me today?" She hesitated. What the hell was going to happen when she got home? Oh well, she wanted to hang out with Loke, because she has a crush on him. She never knew how nice he actually was. She has seen him in junior high, but has never spoken to him until now. She mustered up all of her courage. "Sure Loke! Sounds fun."

"Welp I just secured myself a one way ticket to ass whooping ville"she said, barely more than a whisper. She went and said her goodbyes to her friends, and went with Loke. They got to the ice cream shop, and Aries looked pretty damn worried. Loke decided to leave it alone, and just enjoy their time together. He ordered one scoop of mint chocolate chip, and the other scoop was vanilla. Aries got two scoops of vanilla, then they went off to sit down.

They laughed, and had a great time. They got to know each other better. Aries completely lost track of time, and forgot about her bitch ass aunt Karen. "This was fun, you wanna hang again tomorrow Aries?" She panicked. She was very aware that she was dead tonight. She wouldn't be able to hang with Loke for at least another week. "Um sorry I can't. In fact I can't hang out until next week. My aunt wants me to do stuff for her the rest of the week. But I can't wait to hang out with you again Loke." He blushed and understood why she couldn't hang with him. "Okay little lamb, see you tomorrow then." He said as he stopped.

"Oh wait you live here? Aries was still taking in the fact that she never noticed that Loke was living next door this whole time. "Wow, I guess that makes us next door neighbors. I never knew that." Loke just got a great idea. "Hey little lamb, we can walk to school together from now on.....i-if you want to." He added quickly and sheepishly. "That would be cool, sure Loke! I'll see you tomorrow at school!" She stepped into the house, and was greeted with a slap to the face.

"BITCH YOU'RE THREE HOURS LATE! WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING FOR THREE HOURS?!?" She tried to explain that she 'had a project to do', but her toxic aunt didn't listen for a second. She began to beat her niece. She threw a few glass plates at her, and it cut her up really badly. She then brought her to the top of the stairs, and threw her down them. Aries felt something snap two times. Her leg was broken in two places, is what she would find out later in the ER. Karen kept on beating her, despite knowing that she broke something, kicking the poor girl over and over again. "STOP AUNT KAREN! STOP! MY LEG IS BROKEN!" She shouted. "Fine, we're going to the hospital, and if you tell them what I did, I'll kill you. Got that, you little slutty bitch?" She nodded and Karen took her to the ER.

She lied and said she fell down the stairs into the china cabinet, which explained the cuts all over her body. The doctors had to re-break her leg, so the bones would be able to fuse back together. They said that she wouldn't be able to go to school for a month. After a month, she could go back, but on crutches. Those were dreaded words. She had to stay home with this witch for a month.

They left, and she texted Loke that she broke her leg. She decided to tell him why she really couldn't hang out, and why her ankle and eye was swollen.

Loke: I can't come to school for a month because I broke my leg. My aunt beat me, and pushed me down the stairs because I was supposed to be home right after school. That's why I hesitated to go with you, and why I looked a little nervous. I also lied about having to do something for my aunt for a whole week. That was the time I thought it would take for any major injury to heal. She has been abusing me all my life, ever since my parents died. Please don't tell anyone, because you are the first person I ever told. But don't worry, I'll tell my friends too. I told you because I really trust you, and I like you Loke. I'm sorry I had to lie to you. But please do NOT come to visit me. If anything, we can talk through the windows, because my room is upstairs. And if you could, can you please let my friends come over to your house so we can all talk through the window?

Aries: Why didn't you tell anyone? She can go to jail for that? And of course little lamb, we will all talk to you through the window. It's okay that you lied, if I was in your shoes, I would lie too. like me? I like you too<3 We can start talking through the window tonight, if you want to.

Loke: I didn't want to tell because she threatened to kill me. Tonight, I had to lie to the doctors, and say I fell down the stairs into the china cabinet, which explained the cuts all over my body. Oh she threw plates at me I forgot to mention that. Sure we can talk now actually, because I just got home. And I guess I'll tell my friends whenever I see them.

Loke was enraged. How could her aunt treat his little lamb like that?

I hope you guys enjoy my story. I think I release this one faster than my other story! But vote and comment please!/////🐏♈🦁♌😡👆👆👆

The Lamb🐏♈, The Lion🦁♌, and The Abusive Bitch😡[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now