Sing You Home

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(Y/N) sat on the bottom of her bunk, a sigh leaving her lips. She closed her eyes and imagined the words again, flowing through her mind like a calming river. It had been years since she first had that dream. However, as time went on, she'd had it more frequent than before.

(Y/N) was someone who didn't have a family. She didn't have many friends either due to her love of books and always wanting to learn. At least, that's what all the other kids in the home told her.



All she wanted was to find her. Her new mother. She could practically hear her singing to her. That was her dream. Her vision. In those dreams she would hear the voice more and more frequent. Never speaking. Only singing.

From that point on she refused to listen to music. She didn't want the memory of who she thought would be her mother tainted.

The director of the home for young children couldn't believe (Y/N)'s sudden change in behavior either. The girl asked not to see any of the prospective parents. She only wanted to hear the women sing.

Most sets of parents found this ridiculous and simply left. Not even looking back. Others complied and sang a few bars. (Y/N) would turn them all down, refusing to meet them if she didn't hear that voice she was looking for.

"(Y/N)...this is the fourth time this month." the director began in a huff. "Can't we just try to meet one of them?"

"No. They're not my mother."

"Dear, I know that you have this dream...but it may not come to fruition."

"I have to try. It's my only hope. Please." (Y/N) begged, tears coming to her eyes.

"Alright. One last time."

At the director's words, (Y/N) felt a bit calmer. She still had one more shot.

"Now...we have our special guest coming in an hour. Make sure you're presentable. I'll make sure to let all of the other children know." the director told her. "Hey, and no need to be nervous."

"Since when have I been nervous?" (Y/N) asked with a cheeky smile.

"Pardon me Ms. Nerves of Steel."

(Y/N) laughed and headed to her room to change.

She found the perfect outfit. A pair of jeans and a nice shirt that flowed a bit with a tank top underneath. She fluffed her hair and looked at herself in the mirror.

Taking a deep breath, she gave herself her daily mantra. "You can do this. You are brave, you are strong, you are enough. There's life out there." she spoke quietly to herself.

Giving a small nod, she then grabbed the current book she was reading and headed out of her room.

"Going to sneak off and read some book, huh nerd?" a voice droned from behind her.

Travis. A boy her age that rallied all of the other kids around him.

"Why does it matter Travis? You can't read it anyway." she sneered as she hurled the insult back at him, not bothering to turn around.

"Can too!" he growled at her.

"And the last thing you read was...?" she trailed off, not hearing a reply. "That's what I thought."

"Whatever!" he yelled and moved to block her path. "You're just a stupid nerdy girl who hasn't gotten a home because nobody wants someone who hides all the time."

"I don't hide. I sit out in the open. Maybe if you'd actually check your surroundings every now and then you wouldn't get into so much trouble." she sneered, straightening up to look intimidating.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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