Chapter 24: The Hearts Answer

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~Chapter 24~

A party... Kaname did not feel like going to one, to be in the public eye and around everyone who remembered what still felt blacked-out to him. It made him uneasy and guilt-ridden. He knew most of what happened, but it was all fragmented by the overwhelming emotions the other felt.

Kiryu's emotions were so strong that when he tried to see the images or memories he was instead shrouded by every emotion possible making them turn to static. He always knew the hunter's head was basically full of landmines. He never knew how many though, and just how powerful they were till now.

He had never reflected on his own actions as much as he was now...

He was... How could Zero even think of giving him a chance when looking back at his track record? The wrongs he had done to him time and time again. What Yuki put him through. What vampires had done to this once poor mortal?

It's a mystery how this barely held together man could still walk tall. Could still piece the shattered pieces of his mind and body and lead both hunters and vampires alike how he did.

Kaname was so trapped within his mind, his thoughts and his guilt that he never heard the shift of music or the conversations around him. The party, Draco's home, the people here. They were all unimportant white noise. He needed to think, to try and grasp what he felt. But it was as if he had no time.

Everyone needed him, a part of him here there, his words here, his presence there.

He needed to talk to Kiryu, but when? How? What should he say... He didn't want to hurt him anymore. To see him locked up in that room.

Everything was so confusing and conflicting, He cared, he really did. But was that just from the memories or from him? Was it from the mortal him or the current one? Were they one and the same???

Kaname was roughly pulled out of his thoughts when a loud shriek left his daughter and a horrified gasp left his son.

"Daddy!" Ai screamed sprinting from their side, Ren shocked in place beside of Kaname.

When brown eyes finally looked up, they opened wide at the sight of pale skin and buzzed hair... Bangs the only remaining long portion of Zero's hair.

Lavender eyes were hollow looking, but as Ai ran to him they sparked, a false smile gracing his lips as he offered his hand to the small girl, Aidou standing somewhat strained beside him.

Ai was putting her hand in Zero's hair running figures threw the buzz as she whined. Kaname briefly heard from Aidou, the blonde mumbling that... He left Zero alone and returned to choppy hair. Glaring at the silveret when he asked, "what were you thinking!? You are lucky I was a hairstylist at some point and was able to salvage that!"

Zero fed him a halfhearted smile but said nothing and Kaname felt the urge to go near. But fought it. Instead, he nudged Ren, getting a questioning stare when he tilted his head to Zero. "Go be with your father. He needs it." And he walked away too and outside balcony.

Zero's eyes raised up, following after the brunet, the hunter cursing under his breath after. Annoyed that he automatically followed the man's movements.

"That's a bit of a drastic cut. Isn't it, dad?" Ren asked, expression pinched as he joined them.

Zero looked to his son and sighed. "I wasn't really thinking when I did it... Just kind of happened. But, my head feels lighter now, at least. Not so heavy anymore."

Ren nodded his head, eyes trained on his father. "Yeah... That's good I guess. Doesn't look bad either."

Zero smiled at his son, then looked down at his still distraught daughter. "I can always grow it out again? Ai."

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