Chapter 1: The REAL Danger Of Unknown Downloads...

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***Blanket Note For All Verses 3-9***

Kay, so here's the thing, originally I was planning on starting these kinda in shifts, but I'm impatient and I really want to get this stuff going...

So over the next three weeks I am going to be starting universes


**(10 won't start till the others are well underway for a very specific reason)**

So some of them may take a bit to update but I will have the 1st half of chapter 1 up for all of them by May 10th (I'm setting me a deadline damnit)

The SEM Verse is still my main focus right now and will still be updated at least once a week...the others updates will be a bit more random depending on which one my mind is running with at that moment

I know it seems like a lot and not gonna lie that's cause it IS but my mind has been running with these for over a year now, I think it'll work out just fine...

All the universes I will most likely just update half a chapter at a time. The 1st stories of them will mainly just be introducing our characters and getting a feel for the world so- with the exception of the 40's with a twist the 1st stories will only be 8 chapters,

Kay onto our regularly scheduled program

Alright Last one (Well except 10 but that'll be a while yet for...reasons...)- I know I'm not starting them in order but this is verse 9, so technically it's the last one...oh you know what I mean.

So this verse is based on the show Chuck and kinda just came about because I think Saphael deserves to be front and center for at least one verse Damnit!

(I know I split it pretty equally but most every verse is pretty Malec centric)

Nevertheless I really adore Simon and Raphael and I wanted to give them center stage for at least one verse (Well...actually one other will have them be a pretty strong focus- but that'd be'll just have to keep reading to figure out which one)

In addition to that Simon just SO fit the Chuck character perfectly- a kinda nerdy guy ends up getting a computer downloaded into his head and turns into a perfect spy-

Well...when it works...

So this'll be a lot of fun, we'll have a lot of craziness with this one:

We have Simon as the Not-So-Super-Spy who ends up with a computer for a brain full of government secrets, fighting skills and who the hell knows what else.

Alec is the CIA Agent tasked with protecting him, Raphael as the NSA Agent tasked with the same thing (Much to both Alec AND Raphael's annoyance), and Magnus as Simon's kind of out there best friend...

Yeah...this'll be fun...

Kay,enough of me yammering, let's see where this one goes...

Chapter Complete!!*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*Simon-Simon-Simon-Simon-Simon*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*

V9S1- Too Many Video Games Will Rot Your Brain-Spy-Simon  VerseWhere stories live. Discover now