Chapter 6: So NOT The Guy...

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*~Simon ~*~ Simon ~*~Simon ~*~ Simon ~*~Simon~*


Okay so...apparently this is actually happening. The surrealness of the rest of the day is kinda settling in now since they're done with the random high speed chase, bullets flying, inches from death, terrifying 'Collective' agents and even more terrifying (Not to mention gorgeous as hell) NSA assassin portion of the day.

The danger has past and now his new reality is setting in...and quite frankly it was less scary during the whole high speed chase/inches from death thing.

Then he had the adrenaline going, everything was fast and crazy and terrifying and totally surreal. It was like a dream/nightmare/late night movie marathon and junk food induced reality break kinda thing. Even though he was there for every last terrifying moment it didn't really seem real.

Part of him was convinced there was gonna be some twist, some kinda 'psych' type moment or glimpse of sanity through the chaos. Something that told him this wasn't real, he was just dreaming and was gonna wake up and everything would be just like it was...

Now that's getting less and less likely.

He's trying to come to grips with the fact that this IS real. This is actually happening...he's not just gonna 'wake up'.

He is going to be a spy. Be a freaking government agent...


The spy world will never be the same.

Maybe Raphael wouldn't have been so off the mark with the whole 'national security threat' thing. Not that he'd ever purposefully betray his country- he wouldn't. He'd never purposefully betray anyone. That being said; he is a flaily, clumsy, overly-excitable chatterbox who now has the entirety of the combined Intel of the NSA, CIA and who the hell knows what else buried in his head and the near complete inability to regulate what the hell comes out of his mouth.

Oh Damnit...Raphael's SO gonna end up shooting him, isn't he?


He swallows nervously, gaze slipping up to the rearview mirror, sneaking a peek at the terrifying (ly gorgeous) agent/assassin setting casually in the back seat, idly fiddling with his phone.

They'd decided to take Raphael's car as Alec's was well...toast for the moment. The guy'd made a quick two minute call just giving their location and a request for three pickups, flashing a quick smirk and near playful wave at the bound collective agents, cheerfully telling them to behave before turning and leading the other two to his car on the next block. He moved over to the passenger side, opening the door for Simon before turning casually tossing the keys to Alec, leisurely climbing in the back seat without a word.

V9S1- Too Many Video Games Will Rot Your Brain-Spy-Simon  VerseWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt