Chapter 2: Tech Support Troubles

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Chapter Complete!!

The usual proofing at work, hope it's okay...


"Simon wher-"

He shook his head, quickly waving Kevin off,

"I know, I know, I'm late- did they notice?"

Kevin shook his head, flashing a bright friendly smile,

"Nah, I got you covered, figured you wouldn't be too late, just told Mike you called and said you forgot you were on call outs today so you had to run back home to grab your ID in case we had any, you're good."

Simon slumped faintly in relief, giving a grateful smile,

"Thanks dude, don't know what I'd do without you."

Kevin grinned, shrugging,

"Yeah well fortunately you never have to worry about that...I always got your back."

Simon nodded,

" what's up today? Did I miss anything interesting in the morning rally/meeting/team building thing?"

Kevin snorted, rolling his eyes,

"Yeah like there's ever anything interesting here. Same old, same old; Mike wants us to push the new Expedition consol, keep sales up, no slacking off, no media room gaming, Kyle's no longer allowed near the copy machine unsupervised, blah blah blah. we got all caught up on the back log of repairs so all we have is whatever comes in today...

All in all it should be a pretty easy day."

Simon nodded,

"Thank goodness, maybe I'll get a chance to figure out what's up with my computer."

Kevin tilted his head, just now noticing Simon had his laptop case,

"What's wrong with your computer?"

He huffed, rolling his eyes at his own stupidity,

"The damn hard drive is fried...It was my own fault- how many times a day do we caution people about opening unknown downloads?"

Kevin snickered faintly before giving a sheepish, guilty shrug,


Simon waved him off,

"Like I said I brought it on myself, I should have known better."

"I know but still I didn't mean to laugh, that really does suck..." he paused, giving a slightly playful smirk, quirking his eyebrow in an expression he absolutely picked up from Magnus,

"Hopefully the download was at least worth the trouble."

Simon blushed, rolling his eyes,

"It was nothing like THAT! And you're officially hanging out with Magnus way too much- I need to limit your guys's time together. Always knew he was a bad influence."

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