Chapter 3: A Chance Encounter...That's Anything But Chance

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Chapter Complete!!*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*Simon-Simon-Simon-Simon-Simon*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*'re fine...

It's just the toll of a weird, crazy day. That's all. Your mind's running, playing tricks on you. See...that's why you need to just stick to Scifi type shows- you watch mysteries, spy craft type shows and all of a sudden you get suspicious, start seeing conspiracies and plots everywhere, jumping at shadows. This is why you stick to Scifi; your mind runs too much with the rest.

No one broke into your place; if they did they'd of taken something, not just looked through your games and mail and flip a cushion. No one's gonna break into your house to snoop on you-

Why would they?

You had a crazy morning, you were in a hurry, and you forgot to lock the door. It happens. Maybe it hasn't happened to you before, but it does happen. And it makes a hell of a lot more sense than someone breaking into your place just to get a peek at your stuff.'re not that interesting.

You're not a celebrity, athlete or a spy; you're a videogame obsessed twenty seven year old nerd working customer service and computer repair. No one's snooping on you, no one broke in; you just forgot to lock your door. It's been a crazy day, you just need a break. Set down, relax, have a good meal and decompress. After that all of this madness will ease and you can go home and put this whole crazy day behind you.

Simon took one more deep breath, nodding faintly to himself as he pulled up in front of Emilie's, glancing over towards the brightly colored, welcoming little burger place. He smiled, already feeling a bit of the tension easing in his shoulders. He loved this place; it really didn't look like much- just a festively painted hole in the wall type place but the burgers were amazing. It had a real home town kinda feel; always managing to put him at ease. Simon opened his door, climbing out of the car.

Oh good, there were still a couple tables on the patio open, that'd be perfect. It's a nice night, crisp and clear, the sun just set, stars beginning to appear. Exactly what he needs right now.

He smiled, bounding up the steps, blinking faintly in surprise.

Man, the place is hopping tonight!

He can't remember seeing this place so busy. Luckily there was no line but there was also not one seat left inside. He shook his head, making his way up to the counter, spotting Astrid one of his favorite waitresses passing out drinks at a nearby table. She flashed a quick smile, nodding, finishing up with the table before making her way back over to the counter.

He smiled, glancing around at the crowd, quirking his eyebrow,

She rolled her eyes, huffing faintly,

V9S1- Too Many Video Games Will Rot Your Brain-Spy-Simon  Verseحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن