20. Didn't See It "Coming"

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Warning- Kinda mature stuff ahead.


It all started when I began to avoid him after I caught him kissing Mini.

He carried his own sack of explanations saying that Mini was the one who initiated and he wasn't even responding blah blah but I just didn't want to hear any sort of justifications.

He got yelled at by me when he revealed that he was planning on breaking up with Mini. I asked him to never even think of something like that. I was honestly not ready yet to deal with that.

But the question was, for how long was he going to stay sandwiched between the two of us?

I knew that sooner or later, he had to choose but I couldn't let him choose me for that was going to hurt Mini. How could I let her suffer when it was me who had complicated everything by entering their lives.

They didn't ask for it.

But deep down, I was unwilling to let him choose Mini either. And the reason was pretty obvious.

So avoiding him was the only solution I could come up with.

I didn't let him interact or start a proper conversation with me ever since that day. I chose to stay away from him as much as possible because the path where we were heading was hazy. We needed sometime away from each other to clear up our heads a little.

Someone was going to get hurt for sure, no matter whom he was going to choose. Betrayal is the worse pain of all and I, whom Mini considered her best friend, had betrayed her in the worst possible way. How would she ever get over the pain of being cheated on by his boyfriend and her best friend? How could I snatch her happiness away? Pete was really special to me. I liked him with all my heart and soul but staying away from him was the only safe option I was left with.

Eight days had passed. I didn't let him enter my room even for once. He fought, begged, yelled several times outside my door but I refused to open it. Even during college hours, I kept myself busy to avoid having a conversation with him.

Not that I was unaware of how immature and insensitive I was acting but that was all I could do from my side. If there was anyone who deserved to be kicked out of this love triangle, then it was me.

However, eight days were more like eight years without him. I got so used to him being around. The loneliness I felt without him was unbearable.

Besides, I accepted Nia's offer as I had no other choice.

The eve finally arrived. I picked Nia up from her place and reached the venue. I parked my bike and walked in only to find Pete and Mini standing at the entrance as they greeted us with tightly interlocked hands.

"We've been waiting for you guys." Mini said, smiling.

I entangled my fingers into Nia's and pulled her towards me. Pete noticed that and a grumpy look had spread on his face.

"Looks like we're gonna have another couple to give us a company very soon." Mini added.

I faked a smile while Nia couldn't stop blushing. Little did she know—

I noticed Pete stealing glances as I tried to adjust my feet on the folded paper. We were playing paper dancing and the time to pick the girls up had arrived.

I picked Nia up bridal style while trying to balance my feet on the paper but what I found harder than that was to adjust my emotions that were losing their balance the moment I saw Pete picking Mini up.

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