The Wedding

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Jotaro ❤️: homeboy i cant sleep

Kakyoin: Why?

Jotaro ❤️: nervous

Kakyoin: For the wedding? It's not that scary.

Jotaro ❤️: yeah it is

Kakyoin: How?

Jotaro ❤️: cause i have to make a speech

Kakyoin: That's what you're scared about?

Jotaro ❤️: yeah....,,, :(

Kakyoin: That's kinda lame not gonna lie.

Jotaro ❤️: hey >:(

Kakyoin: I mean, there are just better things to worry about, like what if everybody gets food poisoning or the ceiling collapses on us or something?

Jotaro ❤️: if the ceiling collapses on us then jœßuké can fix it for us

Kakyoin: wth is "jœßüké"

Jotaro ❤️: josukes name in my phone

Kakyoin: Oh okay.

Jotaro ❤️: And nobody is finna get food poisoning my mom is cooking and she wouldnt let that happen

Kakyoin: You can't be SURE that isn't going to happen.

Jotaro ❤️: but it isnt

Kakyoin: Okay whatever.

Kakyoin: And you're also getting bonded to me for the rest of your life, doomed to a life of monotony and boredom by the rings around our fingers.

Jotaro ❤️: stop grtting all poetic dummy

Kakyoin: I will chat as I please.

Jotaro ❤️: And why do you write with all this nice grammer?

Kakyoin: *grammar

Jotaro ❤️: SHUT UP!

Jotaro puts down his phone, sighing loudly. It seems like his homeboy has no fear at all for their wedding tomorrow, and yet he himself is riddled with it.

"Yare yare...." he mutters, and then puts away his phone. He hears it chime a few times as Kakyoin messages him, but he doesn't pick it back up to check them. He needs to sleep, and doctors recommend not looking at any device that emits blue light an hour before bed, so he's gotta put it down if he wants to sleep before 1 AM.

Meanwhile, Kakyoin is laying awake as well, phone tossed haphazardly on his bedsheets. He's just as nervous as Jotaro, but he tries to push it down.

He closes his eyes, hoping sleep will come to him soon. He turns on his ASMR playlist and puts on headphones, hoping the soothing sound of the Giorno Giovanna heals you and you're Mista video he has playing will lull him into a gentle sleep.

"Giorno! Don't take off my clothes! I'll feel it more!" Mista softly shouts into Kakyoin's knockoff EarPods.

Ah, how soothing.

But after another hour, he still can't catch any Z's. He tries another video, You're dying of Ligma and DIO Brando is your Boyfriend, his ultimate weapon against insomnia.

Thankfully, the sheer power of this video is enough to send him into a deep slumber after only the first few sentences.


Goodnight, Homie (Jotaro x Kakyoin?)Where stories live. Discover now