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The little girl ran as fast as she could. Right foot left foot and repeat. The adrenaline pumping through her body is the only this keeping her dropping to the ground and bleeding out. Her heart was beating faster than any other. She didn't look back for she knew if she did. It would mean death.

The misfortunes continue.

Soon the little girl ran into another woman. This woman didn't have normal attire. She was wearing a long black cloak with a hood, white gloves, and a flat mask that was completely white. You didn't know she was a woman until she spoke. "What are you doing out so late child?"

With tears in your eyes you managed to speak, "M-my mommy a-and daddy were attacked by a villain. Daddy t-told me to run. T-they're d-dead." You tried your hardest not to stutter but it wasn't much help.

"Well look at you. Aren't you a little angel. Here take this piece of candy and come with me."

Not know what else to do you did as the lady told and ate the candy. It tasted like strawberries.

Suddenly your eye lids became heavy and your adrenaline finally died down and you passed out. The mysterious woman gently picked you up and carried you away to an unknown location.

The woman walked up to large steel doors and knocked 3 times at a slow pace waited for 10 seconds and knocked twice at a fast pace.

"State your code name and purpose for entry."

"Unknown and I have returned from my walk outside with a package."

"You may enter."

Unknown walked into the shady building and made her way to the leader's quarters.

Once reaching the room she knocked on the door. "Who is it?"

"It's Unknown Sir."


"Boss I have captured what we're looking for."

The man looked at the child in the woman's arms and gave a sadistic smile. "Where did you find her and why is she injured?"

"While I was on my walk I encountered her running and crying. She told me that her parents died by being attacked by a villain and her father told her to run. By her injuries I assume the villain had a gun and shot at her at some point."

"I expect nothing less from my right hand man. Well right hand woman. Get her patched up and fed. We could either sell her to that occult a few cities down there been looking for a fallen angels blood or that psychotic man that needs the blood of children. Dismissed."

Unknown bowed and did as she was told and left.

It took about 5 hours for you to wake up. You're surrounds were new. You lied on a cold cement floor in a very dark room. Your were shackled down. A chain on both ankles, wrist, and your neck. You try to to move your wings but they've been clipped together very tight. The chains weighed so much you could hardly move yourself into a decently comfortable position. You started to tear up since you didn't know what was going on and that's when the door to the room opened. You recognized the lady, she was the one you met in the alleyway. She had a tray of food and set it down.

"Stop crying, you look weak. I'm only going to say this once so you better listen to me. Your life is no longer yours to live. Whatever my boss has planned for you is what happens. If you have any will to live you'll be quiet and listen to what I tell you. You're probably going to be in chains physically and mentally for the rest of your life. This isn't any sunshine's and rainbows and play with you best friend. If you don't toughen up you'll die. In here you are no longer human. You're property."

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