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15 hours later you were finally removed from the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) and moved to a normal room. Present Mix was currently passed out on a chair outside of the ICU. A nurse walked up to him and tapped his shoulders, "Excuse me sir?"

Mic woke up and rubbed his eyes, "Yes, sorry about that I guess I was just more tired than I thought."

"You can follow me if you want to visit the girl." Mic stood up very quickly and followed the nurse into your room. The nurse opened the door and Mic's heart broke seeing your state. There were scars littered across your arm and face and bandages nearly wrapped around your entire body.

"What's her condition like?" Mic asked.

"Her larynx was severely damaged from excessive screaming and there were marks on her neck which seems that she must've been strangled at some point. She had a few fractured bones, nothing that won't heal, but the most concerning was the two large gashes on her back. She lost a lot of blood... what makes it worse is that those gashes weren't any knife or puncture wound."

"What do you mean by that?"

"She has a mutation quirk... wings and they were twisted right off of her." Mic cringed thinking about how painful that must've been to go through.

"When do you think she'll wake up?"

"We're not sure but hopefully soon."

"Nurse Amano?" A doctor poked his head inside.


"We need you 3 rooms down."

"Alright I'll be right there!" The nurse turned towards Present Mic, "Any other questions?"

"No no! Thank you." Mic watched as the nurse washed her hands and left to go to her next patient. He pulled up a chair and stared at your pale face.

"You know staying her and being worried isn't going to change anything." A blatant voice budded in.

"Shouta!!" Mic yelled.

"Keep it down, there are other people here."

"Ah! I forgot."

"I know your worried, but you need some rest. You've been here for at least 15 hours and you need to eat too. Besides we need to head to the police station, Tsukauchi mentioned that he got some info for us. You catch up on sleep and we'll head over there tomorrow."

"Sounds like a plan!"

As soon as Mic got to his apartment he took a shower and passed out on his bed. The next day he luckily didn't have to work so he decided to tie up half of his hair into a messy bun and leave the rest down.

A few hours later he met up with his friend Aizawa Shouta AKA pro hero Eraserhead at the police station. They did the usual questioning and it took up about and hour and a half of their time. "So Detective." Aizawa spoke up, "What is is that you wanted to tell us?"

"The girl you saved was linked back to that case 7 years ago with the killing in the alleyway. The DNA test came out as a match when they tested it. The girl has been identified as L/n Y/n. According to this her parents were killed when she was about 6 and she went missing that same night. Investigators declared her dead after the case went cold."

"Did the kidnapper have any relation to her?" Mic asked.

"No, but his quirk was an interesting one which might've lead to the reason why he was holding her captive. His quirk is called 'Golden Scream.'"

"Golden Scream?" Aizawa questioned.

"Yes, it says here under his file Takahashi Akihiko, his quirk allows him to harness certain animal cries and screams and then turn those screams into minerals, metals, or compounds. And depending on the animal and the quality of scream he could make silver in the purest or compounded form, but it comes out as liquid which is weird."

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