A Master's Servant

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Author's note: I'm sorry if I get Kanae's character wrong. In some hings, it says he is male, in others she is female. To save confusion, Kanae will be female in this. Sorry. Please enjoy.

Shadows plagued the room, drowning out any glimmer of light that attempted to grow; despite the sun shining outside. A soft creak was heard as the door was pushed open, just enough for someone to slip in and close it behind her. The carpet muffled her footsteps as she approached her master's bedside. 


[Name] had been a servant of the Tsukiyama family since she was young. She never stepped out of place and did as told when told. A friendship developed between the two ghouls as they grew up. Shu would always tempt her into doing something mischievous and the two would -most of the time- get away with it. On the couple of occasions where Mr Mirumo Tsukiyama had caught them, he would have them apologise and let them off with a warning. However, Shu and [Name] never did anything too bad. Misplaced an item, mixed up the letters a little, stole a couple of sweets, harmless things.

As the years went by, Shu began to grow a fondness towards [Name] that he didn't share with other ghouls. Though, when Kanae noticed the small glances the pair would throw at each other, she asked to speak with [Name] alone. Some words were traded -and some vague but promising threats- and [Name] slipped from Shu's company. Whilst she still remained a servant, she ensured that she made as little contact with him as possible. 

Until she heard he fell ill.


A small sigh slipped her lips at the sight of Shu. His body looked fragile, as if he would crumble to dust if she touched him. Carefully, she brushed a strand of his violet hair out of his sleeping face. Why him? Why did he have to be the one suffering? 

"Please, forgive me, Master Shu." her voice was low and soft as she spoke to the sleeping ghoul. "I wish I could have been there to help you. If I had known you would fall sick like this, I would have spent more time with you. Like when we were children." Her hand rested on his, holding it as a gesture of comfort. Somewhere, deep within her, she silently hoped that he would -at least- give her hand a squeeze to let her know he was listening to her. But she doubted it would happen. 

[Name] kneeled beside his bed, her [Eye colour] never leaving him. Cold guilt gnawed at her intestines. She had been slowly driving a wedge between them and now Shu was sick, and unlikely to recover. She had failed him, as both a servant and a friend. Lowering her head, she rested her forehead against his hand.

"Please, I beg you, if you can hear me, forgive me." she quietly begged. A weak pat on her head caught her attention. Her gaze lifted up to see Shu looking at her, his violent eyes clouded with tiredness but still holding that soft glint that only he had. A smile pulling his lips.

"I forgive you, [Name]." Tears pricked her eyes slightly. She leaned into his touch, enjoying the comforting touch. Shu, tiredly, brought her hand to his lips, pressing a kiss against her knuckles. "I could never hate you, my dear. Please, stay with me." [Name] nodded before pulling a chair up and sat beside him. Shu leaned his head against her shoulder, letting her stroke his hair softly. 

"I love you, mon cher." Shu said, [Name] smiled softly, pressing a delicate kiss against his head.

"I love you too, Shu." 

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