Dear Rabbit

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Warnings: Angst, blood, fluff
This was inspired by the song Dear Rabbit. Please enjoy. Thank you.

Dear Rabbit, my legs are getting weak chasing you.
The snow fields wouldn't seem so big if you knew,

Snow fell gently from the sky, covering the city of Tokyo in a soft blanket. Icy winds danced through the air, nipping and biting at any exposed skin it could. The sun had long since faded and dawn was still a distance away. Pulling the cloak closer to her body, [Name] darted through the snow as fast as her legs would allow her. Her body burned with exhaustion but she refused to stop, she could not risk stopping. 

Rapid footsteps behind her was heard, fuelling her body to run faster. How could they run through the snow without a problem? Tears stung her eyes like icicles. The wind screeched past her ears, muffling their shouting but it was still audible which meant they were close. 

Her eyes fell down to her hand that held against her side. Dried flecks of blood stained her hand, her clothing stuck to her side, making it more uncomfortable to run. Infection and disease was the least of her concern at the moment. Where was the CCG when you needed them? 

That this blood on my teeth it is far beyond dry.
And I've captured you once but I wasn't quite right.

Her foot stepped on a bit of ice that was hidden by the snow, forcing her to slip and fall down the hill, smacking her head against a wall. Her body throbbed in pain, a burning feeling scorched her muscles despite her skin being ice cold. Each inhale of air stung her lungs. The two figures approached her, eyes blazing in the mist. A pained sob slipped [Name]'s lips as she tried to push her body up yet it did not move. 

Before the two ghouls could pounce, a third figure appeared. Their body concealed by a hooded cloak, shadowing their features. From within the shadow of the cloak, a pair of scarlet red orbs glowed brightly before the figure lunged forward. A deep purple koukaku formed under the cloak as it impaled one of the ghouls, slicing through his flesh and bones easily. Crimson stained the snow beneath him as the hooded figure leaned close, seeming to tear at his flesh with his teeth. The second ghoul went to attack, only to ave his head sliced from his neck. 

The hooded figure turned their gaze to [Name] who coward under their eyes. The koukaka disappeared, their form crouching beside her. With how close he was, [Name] could make out violet coloured hair from under the hood before her vision darkened.

So I'm telling you that you'll be safe with me.
Oh rabbit, my claws are dull now so don't be afraid,
I could keep you warm as long as you can just try to be brave.

When her eyes opened, her eyes fell upon a violet haired male standing in front of a roaring fireplace; golden flames dancing vigorously whilst casting their warm glow across the room.  Bloodied bandages covered her wounds, though her muscles still ached as she tried to sit up. The violet haired ghoul heard her shuffle, his gaze turning to her. His violet eyes glimmered in the fire's light, his lips were tinted with traces of crimson from the ghouls he killed. 

He approached her, offering her a glass of water, which she accepted. A soft smile lifted his lips. 

"Why did you help me?" she asked, the violet haired ghoul tilted his head slightly. A couple of strands of hair falling over his face slightly, 

"Because..." his gaze drifted off, as if searching for his reason for sparing her life and treating her wounds. "It would be a waste of such a delicate petite fleur like yourself." he replied, his hand caressing her cheek a little. 

Yes I know I'm a wolf and I've been known to bite,
So I'm telling you that you'll be safe with me.

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