She belongs to Me

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This was requested by @UkrainienOtaku, thank you for the request.
Warning: Obsession, kidnapping, dark love
I'm sorry if this is poorly-written. Please enjoy.

She was unlike anyone he has ever encountered before. She was... different. Her scent was different. An aroma he has never smelt before, and one he was eager to understand more.

Tsukiyama originally met [Name] on a visit to Anteiku. He saw her standing at the counter, cleaning some cups and plates. Her right eye hidden by a form of medical patch, which she slightly covered with her fringe. Her scent was what laced his interest. Sweet and welcoming, much like the comforting aroma of the coffee shop but there was something more, hidden beneath the layers. 


At first, they were nothing but two acquaintances who shared an interest in books. They would spend hours discussing their impressions of authors and their messages and metaphors behind their books. 

"Honestly, I never thought of it that way, Mr Tsukiyama." [Name] said, taking a sip of her coffee as she looked at the book on the table between them. It was about a man who was cursed to become a monster each full moon but had fallen in love with a woman. On the surface, it sounded like any other teenage romance fiction but if you delved further into the meanings and language used, the monster was actually a personification of the man's inability to accept that the world was not as dark and twisted as he believed, and the woman was able to save him from himself. It was cheesy, yes, but it was well written and structured. 

"That is the beauty of point of view, [Name]. Not everyone shares the same views." Tsukiyama said, sipping his own coffee. He rested his head against his hand, his violet eyes scanning her features, memorising the smaller, finer details about her. How the sun casts the small shadows just above her eyes because of her hair. The way her eye would light up when he offered her a new perception of a topic in the book. How she would fidget with the eye patch to make sure it remained in place.

"[Name], chérie, why do you wear that eye patch?" he asked, noticing how her hand hovered over it slightly. Small flecks of shame glimmered in her exposed eye, a frown tugging her lips. 

"I would prefer not to say. You would see me as an abomination." Tsukiyama placed his hand over hers, making her look at him. All traces of light-heartedness faded, only to be replaced by a serious expression. 

"[Name], no matter what you are, you are not an abomination. Something as beautiful as you could never be a monster." The words left his lips and dusted her cheeks red a little. Slowly, she removed the eye-patch to reveal her right eye. There was nothing wrong with it, until she willed it to change. A ghoul eye. Only one though. Tsukiyama felt his organs twist inside of him, not in repulsion but in amazement. This was the reason for her strange scent. He outstretched his hand to her, his fingertips brushing at the temple beside her ghoul eye,

"Belle. You are belle." he whispered. She smiled lightly before putting her eye-patch back on, hiding her eye from the world, much to Tsukiyama's dismay. 


Unlike Kaneki, [Name] was born with her condition. Her father was a ghoul whilst her mother was human. This shared trait allowed the two to bond. The poor boy was lost and confused in his new life, and [Name] anted to help him. So she did. 

Weeks slowly melted into months and their friendship only grew. She taught him how to appear human, along with the help of the other members of Anteiku. They shared laughs and moments together, both oblivious to the watching eyes and the festering anger that infected the violet haired ghoul.


"Inacceptable!" the small table collided with the wall, shattering on impact and causing one of the servants to duck to avoid being hit. Photographs the servant had gathered -by orders of Tsukiyama- littered the floor. How dare he take [Name] away from him! She was his and his alone! Tsukiyama's grip tightened on one photo of Kaneki and [Name] holding hands in the park. 

This was inexcusable. This was outrageous. Tsukiyama snapped his head towards the servant,

"Find [Name] and bring her to me. I will not let him take her away from me!" Rage dripped from his words as he threw the envelope of photos into the fire. The servant scurried out of the room immediately, leaving him alone with his anger. His eyes fell upon a photo, one of him and [Name]. It didn't matter, she was going to be his shortly.


[Name] sat curled up in the corner on the room. Her eyes scanning her surroundings. Soft, golden glows radiated from the fireplace and danced around the room, pushing the shadows to the corners of the room, her only source of light. A scent polluted the air, informing her the identity of her kidnapper: Tsukiyama Shu. 

She had not seen the flamboyant ghoul in some time, why would he do something like this? Did she do something wrong? The door pushed open, revealing the violet haired male. A disturbing smirk plastered his lips as he approached her.

"[Name], ma chérie. I'm so pleased you are awake. I was staring to worry about you." he said, a sickly sweet tone coating his words. [Name] attempted to crawl away from him, resulting in cornering herself. Tsukiyama frown at that, "No, no, no. Don't shy away from me, darling. I would never hurt you." he brought his hand to her head, petting her soft locks a little like she was a kitten. 

"W-What do you want, Tsukiyama? Why am I here?" she asked, he smiled at her. A sweet, innocent smile that masked his twisted appetite. She looked so scared, and he loved it. He leaned in close, inhaling her scent and exhaling deeply; his breath brushing against her skin.

"Someone has been trying to take you away from me, my dear." he replied, "We haven't spent any time together in such a long time, I was afraid you were drifting away from me. Slipping through my fingers." As he spoke, his fingers trailed through her hair, twisting them and playing with them. "You belong to me, my dear. I can't let people steal you away from me." His lips pressed against her cheek. 

[Name] slipped from under his grip and darted away from him. "Tsukiyama, I'm not yours." A silence hung in the air at that. A cold wave washed over her skin at the look in his eyes. 

"You... aren't mine?" his voice was low, almost heart-broken. He lowered his head, shadowing his eyes from her. Her chest tightened, guilt wrapping around her heart and pulling it tight. She took a step closer when his head shot back up, his eyes dark as he slammed her up against the wall. 

"Now you listen here, [Name]. You belong to me and me alone! No one else shall take you from me, I will make sure of that!" he shouted, his eyes burning into hers as she cowered under his grip. Tears pricked her eyes which he wiped away. "Please, remember that. I would hate to harm you, ma chérie."

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