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"Imam?" She called out to him as he was dressing himself in the closet.


"Can we talk?" She asked fiddling with her fingers.

"When I come back" he replied as he made him way down to the dinning area.

"Good morning, sir"She squatted to greet him.

He simply nodded as usual as he took his breakfast and left for work.

After an hour drive,he arrived as they were not much cars,but one thing is for sure Bello's was among.

"Perfect" he said as she shut the door behind him and walked into the building where he was greeted by the receptionist to which he simply nodded.

He made way to the elevator where he punched in the fifth floor where his office was situated. He took a deep breath before he knocked on the door,a minute later,he proceeded.

"Man like Imam! Wonders so you were the one knocking? Something must be up with you" Bello commented as he offered him a seat.

"You have no idea" Imam replied.

"So what's up?" Bello asked as he dropped his phone.

"Bello,I need your honest opinion"

"Go on!" He said urging him.

"I want to get married,but I think it's like am betraying my wife. But then I love the girl I want to marry,but then again I remembered how Safiya agreed to marry me without know who I was."

"I se-

"But then In another way,it's like am not married don't get this wrong. And I also love Sophie. And then Sophie and the girl know each other" he sighed.


"And am so confused-

"Will you let me talk?"Bello yelled,though he has never seen his friend in this kind of situation,but he needed to be stern.

"Look,all am saying is you need to calm down"he started.

"What you want to do is not a crime,and remarrying doesn't mean you don't love her,it is just fate. So you need to take a chill pill"

"Is she anyone I know of" Bello joked with a brow up as he was trying to lighten up the situation.

"Not even a chance"

"What are you even saying? Didn't he marry you because he knew you were educated and so what are you talking about?" Her mom said from the other side.

"But mama what about Maya?" Sophie worriedly asked.

"Oh please! When you spent two months without her did she die?" Her mom asked whom by the way was starting to get furious.


"Then tell him and if he says no,just call me and tell me I shall find a way to deal with him" Her mother said and hung up.

Sophie heaved a sigh of frustration as the whole situation was making her feel all sorts of emotions rising,but one thing is for sure,shedding make sure she achieves her dream with or without a husband and as for her daughter,she would leave her for the meantime. After all it's just nine months.

She had already applied for an admission a couple of months ago and just yesterday,she got a mail and she was accepted! All she needed to do was to apply for a visa which wouldn't be hard for her as she had her ways. The last thing on the list was to inform Imam.

The time was half past eight when Imam came back all tired and exhausted,all he needed to do was relax just as Bello advised him to. He was greeted by a crawling Maya whom starting giggling as she saw him.

"Did you miss daddy?" He asked as he kissed her cheeks.

"Where is mommy?" He kept asking the little girl as they made their way up to the room.

"Assalamualaikum" he said as he met Sophie seated on the bed dressed in on of the laces he bought her a few months ago.

"Waalaikumussalam" she replied with a smile as she took Maya and handed her to Huda.

"Welcome back! I need you to shower first" she said as she gave him his towel.

To say Imam was surprised would be an understatement,he was puzzled at her new found behavior,but whatever happens to her,he was thankful for it.

After he took a shower,he got dressed and proceeded to the dinning area to be met with a feast,one thing was for sure,she didn't cook it. Afterwards she tucked Maya in her cradle as they made way into the room. She made sure he was seated and relaxed before she decided to speak.

"You wanted to talk?" He beat her to it as he remembered their little talk in the morning.

"Yes,I applied for my masters..." she trailed off as he carefully watch her speak.

"... and I got admission so with your permission..." she trailed off again.

He wasn't really angry at her,but she could have at least consulted him before she decided to plan out everything.

"Sure" he replied not wanting to start up a fight.

"Really Thank you so much! And It's in Malaysia" she replied.

At first,he thought he didn't hear her well,but then hey! It's Sophie we're talking about.

"You do realize your a married woman right?"he questioned her.

"So? It's just nine months and then am done!" She said as calmly as possible.

"What's wrong with the one we have here?"

"It's different because.. you know it's- it's just different!"

"What you said,does it make sense to you? Safiya Umaru,if I am your husband,then your not going there" he declared as he was about to get up.

"Baby?" She said as she got a hold of his arm.

"Look,there is nothing there as far as am concerned. Don't you want to see your wife progressing? Am doing this for you so that no person will walk up to you and talk trash about me" she said trying to talk him into emotionally blackmail him.

"Safiya? Your not going!"

"Imam? I must go nace sai naje! You already gave me your consent" she stormed out the room.

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