Alaska & Hawaii 4 ya

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Alaska: *sad Alaskan face*

Hawaii: what's wrong 'Laska?

Alaska: I's nothing...

Hawaii: are you sure? It doesn't seem like nothing.

Alaska: just, my land is always cold and snowy and that's all there ever is, ice and snow. While people like you and California have nice warm (maybe even too warm) temperatures...

Hawaii: you don't like the snow?!

Alaska: *shaking head*

Hawaii: but the snow is so cool and pretty! The way it cover the trees and mountains like a soft furry blanket and how the ice glistens and shines when light hits it just right. And also, there's nice refreshing cold air to fill your lungs and make you FEEL. LIKE. A. MINT.

Alaska: wow....thanks Hawaii. I never noticed that before....

Hawaii: no problem big bro! Also if you really wanna break from the snow you can always come to my place!

Alaska: I'll be sure to.

;-; nice

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