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You woke up the next morning, walked to the bathroom, brushed your teeth, washed your face, and you changed your clothes. You walked upstairs to your room, and you saw that Ally was waking up.

You walked over to her, picked her up, and kissed her. "Good morning princess,"You said. You took Ally downstairs to the kitchen.

You put a little bit of water in the sink, with a small amount of bubbles, you undressed Allison, and sat her in the sink. You started bathing her.

"You do know I have to wash dishes in that sink, right?" Your mom asked. You laughed a little bit, and continued bathing Allison. A couple of minutes later, you picked Ally up, dried her off, put her in her diaper, and dressed her.

You put Ally in her carseat, buckled her up, and sat her on the couch. "Are you going back?" Your mom asked. "I think this little one here misses her father,"You said, "We'll visit a lot."

Your mom hugged you. "Be safe, I love you,"Your mom said. "I love you more,"You said. Your mom helped you take your and Ally's things to the car. You buckled Ally into her seat, and you got in the car.

"I'll call or text you when I get there."You said. "Alright,"Your mom said. You started the car, drove out of the driveway, and you drove to the Boys house. You texted your mom and told her that you arrived at your destination.

You got out of the car, grabbed Ally's carseat, the things you brought with you, and you walked into the house. (The door was locked, but Zach gave you a spare key).

You sat everything down in the living room, locked your car doors, and you sat in the living room on the floor. The boys walked upstairs from the basement talking about music and goofing around.

Daniel noticed that you were sitting on the floor playing with Ally. "Hi Y/n,"Daniel said. Jonah looked at Daniel.

"What are you talking about?" Jonah asked, "My sister left yesterday." "Then why is she sitting on the floor playing with our niece?" Daniel asked.

Jonah walked over to the living room, and he saw you. Jonah hugged you. "I missed you,"Jonah said. "I missed you more,"You said.

You stood up and let Ally crawl. Ally crawled over to Zach. "Baby alert,"Corbyn said. "What?" Zach asked. "Look down,"Corbyn said. Zach looked down and he saw his daughter.

He picked her up and kissed her. "Hi,"Zach said. You walked over to Zach, and kissed him. "When did you get back?" Zach asked. "A couple minutes ago,"You said.

"Y/n, can we talk?" Jack asked. You looked at Jack. "Y-yeah,"You said. You and Jack walked outside to the backyard. "I'm sorry,"Jack said, "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

You didn't say anything, you only listened. "I never meant to call you that, I just lost my train if thought,"Jack said. "Jack, if anything, I'm sorry, hell, I broke your board,"You said.

"Hug it out!" Corbyn yelled. You and Jack laughed. "How long have you guys been standing there?" Jack asked. "A while,"Daniel said.

"Hug it out!" The boys chanted, "Hug it out!" You all laughed. "Hug it out?" Jack asked. You nodded, "Hug it out."

You and Jack hugged and everyone cheered. Everyone laughed. "Where's my daughter?" You asked. "Inside with Daniel,"Zach said. "Alright,"You said.

Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now