Group DM: Decathlon Team

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A/N: This chapter starts exactly where the last chapter left off.

abethegrape: That is both awesome and disgusting.

michelle_jones: Nah, it's just disgusting

cindyxmoon: Agreed^

_liz_: Wait, can we talk about the fact that most people don't call Michelle MJ... and Peter does?

peter_parker: Well she said we all could

peter_parker: Besides, Ned calls her MJ too

abethegrape: Yeah, sure Peter

star_wars_ned: I only say MJ when I'm talking to Peter because he says MJ

sally.av: So what I'm hearing is Peter and Ned talk about Michelle...

char.m: ^That's what I'm hearing too

michelle_jones: Ned, I don't know what you're trying to do, but you definitely call me MJ to my face

star_wars_ned: Man, you just had to ruin my ship like that, huh?

star_wars_ned: Maybe I'll start calling you Michelle again

peter_parker: Wait, what?

michelle_jones: Excuse me?

peter_parker: Ned, did you just say your ship?

star_wars_ned: And I've officially said too much

cindyxmoon: So can we get back to truth or dare? Because I think I have a good one for either Michelle or Peter ;)

michelle_jones: No

peter_parker: I'll play as long as you don't bring up what Ned just said

char.m: Seriously?

peter_parker: Promise or else I won't play

michelle_jones: Same^

_liz_: Aww, Michelle agrees with Peter

michelle_jones: One more message like that and I will leave this chat

cindyxmoon: Okay fine, Michelle, truth or dare? I promise I won't make it about Peter.

michelle_jones: Truth

cindyxmoon: What's your deepest fear?

sally.av: Oof

michelle_jones: Being forgotten by those I care about

_liz_: Well, that suddenly got real

cindyxmoon: Hey, you said you wanted to get to know us

_liz_: True

michelle_jones: Okay, my turn to ask

michelle_jones: Sally, truth or dare?

sally.av: Truth

michelle_jones: What's one pet peeve you have?

sally.av: When people type "would of" instead of "would have"

_liz_: Oh yeah, that's annoying

char.m: I feel called out

abethegrape: Fix your grammar mistakes, Charlie

michelle_jones: Alright I have to go now, bye losers

_liz_: Bye Michelle

cindyxmoon: Oh I should probably go too, I have so many tasks I've been procrastinating. Bye!

sally.av: Bye guys

peter_parker: Maybe we should just end the game here, since people are leaving

_liz_: Oh sure, just when it's probably about to be your turn, Peter

_liz_: Kidding ofc 😂

_liz_: You're probably right

char.m: Okay, talk to you guys later

peter_parker: Yep, bye

A/N: I don't know if anyone feels called out by that pet peeve in the last truth but really, "would of" is grammatically incorrect. Anyways, hope you enjoyed that chapter! Make sure to comment, vote, and add this book to your reading lists if you like the story. Before I go, I'm gonna thank everyone who has been supporting this story because we've been passing milestone after milestone, and it makes me so happy to know you guys are enjoying what I'm writing. That's all, bye! 💕

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