Chapter 1

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Finally Sunday came. Most people will have time off Saturday and Sunday. But not with me, I have to work my ass from Monday to Saturday. Well, that's my life.

I always come to parks, museums and quiet places on Sundays. That's how I refresh my mind and body after six days of work.

"Ahn Y/N, finally I can see you again" I was so annoyed to hear that voice. When I turned around, I saw my stepmother and her husband. They kept bothering me for the past year.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you at a club or mall? Spend your money ! Btw, don't call me Ahn because I'm Kim Y/N"

"Don't talk to me like that. I am your mother, even though your father is gone you are my responsibility. You're Ahn because you're in my new family right now."

Responsibility my ass, I know she said like that because there are many people around me. I'm at art museum right now and there are lots of people here.

I hate this, my father died and made a will that my stepmother would take care of me before I got married. My father left me the house and my stepmother wanted to take the house we lived in. So that's why my stepmother kept looking for me and tried to get me to sign the transfer of the deed.

"Yes Y/N, now you are my family. Why don't you back to our home?", The man beside my stepmother finally spoke.

"it's my house. My father and mother house, not yours".

"I'm your father". That man speak again and raise his voice. Make everyone in the room looked at us.

My devil stepmother smirked at me, she just playing along with that man she called husband.

"Yes Y/N, we missed you so much. Please comeback home" she raised her voice too.

I'm so done, everyone looked at me as if I was a lawless child who ran away from home. Well, basically that's true. I left the house with the house deed, and that's what my stepmother want. THE HOUSE DEED.

I feel wasted and uncomfortable because everyone sees me. Me being me, an idea came to my mind. I am the responsibility of my stepmother because I am not married yet. So, that's all I need is marriage.

I looked around, there was a guy across the painting room. He was busy looking at paintings and didn't care about the commotion made by my two stepparents.

Without thinking twice, I ran to the guy and held his hand. The guy looked at me in surprise and was about to say something but I moved my lips silently to him.

"Help me", I said silently with my puppy eyes.

He just furrowed his eyebrows. Then my stepparents approached us.

"He is my husband", I looked at the tall guy with my puppy eyes, hoping this guy would understand the situation.

"Hello, I'm Y/N's husband nice to meet you" the guy said.

I'm not believing what I heard, I didn't know the guy and this guy already play along with my stupid act. He evens know my name.

What's an earth going on here?

SUNDAY HUSBAND - K.N.JWhere stories live. Discover now