X1. Explaination of Real Order of Al-Fatiha (Of Quran)

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See the "Real order of Fatiha" (Opening chapter of Qur'an) on previous page before reading the contents of this section. Use the prior chapter as a reference to what is being said in this chapter, below.

To begin:

This topic is of mass importance, because it proves the Quran was tampered with; verses were rearranged, and it exposes MUCH about what the perpetrators against The Word of God wanted to hide (in all scripture for all times).

It proves the same (kind of) perpetrators for the same crimes since the beginning of times; Their desire (and efforts) to muffle the Word of God, and use it for power (and gains/worldly benefit) becomes apparent (with an understanding of the proper reality).

There have been Prophets sent to each nation with The True Word of The God. ALWAYS, there are perpetrators within every culture who seek power (and worldly gains) through oppression, seizure of their scriptures, reproductions of their books (for monetary gains and such), and improper use of those watered down copies (of their EDITED holy books/messages), in order to control a people who were vulnerable to such actions over the course of time; when their prophets could no longer help them.

Some deny the general basis of human psychology to try to defend "companions" or family members of prophets, in order to uphold the idea that the people of past times are not like the people of today. While such is true to an extent, it should not be exaggerated; as humans are (generally) psychologically the same; "Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter" is a conventional wisdom which stands the test of time (far longer than any crooked tales of companions picking up the banner of a prophet, and executing EXACTLY what was asked of them).

The truth is: The shepherd was struck, and the sheep scattered; There were obviously people who fought for The Word to prevail, but such findings indicate a (very huge, but) temporary victory for the perpetrators - until today. In the meantime, all they have ever earned was The Curse of God. And those who have fought so hard for The Victory (from The Most High) have prevailed; as they knew they would... The Victory was ALWAYS with those who chose to be on the side of The Victor, God Almighty.

So, what are these perpetrators trying to hide from potential believers which is so important?? Why would they rearrange (rhyming) verses of Holy Quran? Why would they tamper with the number of verses; or the arrangement of the 7? Why is it 8 bars, if we include the #0 or 8? Why does the last verse of Al Fatiha seem double the size of the rest?? What's the significance?

The significance is: It's music, poetry, the structure of such creations of God, and its relationship to The Word of The God. Meaning, when God is added into the equation of such things, it goes infinitely beyond the levels of idle music and poetry. BUT the sequence and structure remains intact, and actually proves the law of God. The sequence of rhythm and such belong to The One who creates all things in due Balance and Measure. None has more rhythm and rhyme than He who created all of the endless possibilities within the infinitely varying comprehensions of ALL of His creations; God is The Greatest.

If anyone pays attention, they will notice: music/poetry/Art creates religion (what you do habitually/religiously) through expression and repetition. What you do habitually/"religiously" is your "religion". Music and poetry work the mind's muscle, and have the capacity to highly influence the thoughts of human beings. Hence, it becomes a repetitive exercise of the mind, and many people become similar to the music they listen to; such (forms habits for them subconsciously ingrained, and) becomes their "religion".

The key to the explanation over of the dispute about the order of verses in the opening chapter of Qur'an (and other parts of Qur'an) lies in the (unalterable) rhythmic sequence (Embedded by The Most High God) within poetry and music, as previously mentioned earlier in this chapter.

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