Three new brothers?

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Friday night came quickly.

"Neal" said Helena sweetly whilst batting her eyelids, "Yes monkey" responded Neal. "Elcee invited me for a sleepover tonight, can I go?" Helena asked. Neal was torn, he wanted her to have a good time but he wasn't sure he trusted anyone other than Peter and El to look after her. Neal decided they would try it and if it didn't go well, then she wouldn't be allowed again.

"Have you packed everything H?" asked Neal,

"Yes!" replied Helena angrily.

"Did you remember to pack pull ups?" Neal questioned. Helena went quiet then said, "um no I forgot."

"Go and put two pull ups in your bag Helena" Neal said tiredly.

Neal rang the doorbell of Elcee's house and handed over Helena's bag to a very young looking man, "Hi Mr Caffrey, I'm Elcee's brother Blake and I'm 26, me and my brothers Wyatt(23) and Brady (19) will be looking after the girls tonight as our parents are out of town". Neal smiled and responded politely but secretly felt anxious for his baby sister, what if she had an accident and they didn't know how to deal with it? Neal pushed the thoughts from his mind and gave his sister a tight hug before leaving.

The two girls and Elcee's three brothers sat down and chatted, after a while Elcee prodded her eldest brother Blake, "Blakey I need to show you something in my room", Blake and Elcee proceeded up the stairs and Brady snuck off to his bedroom. Wyatt turned to Helena, "So Helena, Elcee tells me you are rather talented at football", Helena smiled and chatted away until she suddenly had an urgent need for the bathroom, she leaned over and grabbed her crotch. Wyatt was a big brother, he recognised a potty dance anywhere but didn't want to embarrass the girl. But after 10 more minutes she whispered, "Wyatt, can you take me to the bathroom?" Wyatt smiled and picked up the child knowing she wouldn't make it alone, she gripped onto him tightly and then felt herself placed at the foot of the toilet. She quickly relieved herself but then turned to Wyatt looking upset, "I didn't make it fully" she said as she shifted in her wet knickers. "Hey hey its okay Helena, everyone has accidents, I will go and get you some fresh clothes from your bag ok?"

"No don't leave me alone!" she cried, Neal always knew how to make her feel better and she wished for her big brother. Wyatt understood and scooped up the small child and carried her upstairs to her backpack, he felt around until he pulled out a spare set of clothes which he assumed Neal had packed, then looking for underwear he stumbled across a sort of nappy. "uh Helena what is this exactly?" The little girl looked at the floor in shame, "it um helps me with um er.. bedwetting" she finally choked out. " you wet the bed?" Wyatt asked gently, Helena simply cried harder. "hey hey I just meant to check because although I shouldn't say, Elcee sometimes has night-time accidents!"

"Really?" Helena said as she lifted her head. "Yeah, she might like these to help her" Wyatt said kindly. Helena suddenly felt better and stood patiently as Wyatt removed her wet clothes and changed her into dry ones. Wyatt then picked up the child and carried her downstairs to join the others, he knew he needed to watch Helena, he didn't want the poor girl to have anymore accidents.

Helena buried her face in Wyatt's chest, it wasn't the same as Neal's, but it felt safe. Wyatt sat down on the sofa and placed Helena in his lap, Blake and Brady shot Wyatt a concerned glance but returned their gaze to the TV as not to alert Elcee. Helena cheered up after a while and began to excitedly chat with Elcee about all sorts of fantasy games – the TV show lay forgotten in the background.

At around 7 o clock Blake called everyone for dinner, "I'm just going to the bathroom" exclaimed Elcee as she dashed off, Wyatt eyed Helena and saw a little squirm, " Hey Helena I was just going to use the bathroom before dinner too, want to come?" he said and held out his hand for the small child to grab, she latched on and followed him to the bathroom.

"Don't forget to wash your hands" Wyatt chided gently, "Good job" he added as he squeezed her shoulder encouragingly. The two made their way downstairs to join everyone for dinner.

The evening saw a movie fest with popcorn and lots of sweets – eventually Blake took away the sweets to stop Helena and Elcee from being sick! As it drew closer to 11 o clock the two girls began to yawn, Blake was busy on the phone in the kitchen so Brady scooped up Elcee whilst Wyatt picked up Helena. "Hey I'm not tired!" exclaimed Helena, " oh really?" said Wyatt, Helena opened her mouth to protest but simply yawned. "Definitely bedtime" said Brady as Wyatt laughed. Wyatt placed Helena down in Elcee's room, "Go get ready for bed and then I will come and check everything is ok in 15 minutes." Instructed Wyatt. Helena rifled through her backpack and fetched a pull up and her pyjamas, she quickly stepped into the pull up while Elcee had her back turned and then pulled on her pyjamas. She laid on her bed as her eyes drooped and fell asleep in seconds – but she forgot to use the bathroom! Wyatt quietly opened the door to check on his sister and her friend and smiled when he saw they has both fallen asleep already; he kissed his sister on the forehead then went to do the same to Helena, then he remembered to check she was protected and so pulled down to waistband of her pyjama bottoms to check she had put on the pull up. He then tiptoed out of the room and shut the door – making sure the nightlamp had been left on!

Helena woke up in the night to a wet pull up and a very full bladder – how could she have forgotten to use the bathroom before bed! Despite being sleepy, Helena climbed out of bed and walked into the corridor, but it was dark and her mind began to slip back into the dark cupboard she spent many nights in the year before – not that anyone knew. She couldn't find the bathroom in the dark and began to desperately grab at her crotch to stop the spurts escaping, but the wet patch grew on her trousers and then spilled down her legs as she lost control and her bladder relaxed. Helena cried, she wanted her big brother to get her out of these wet, cold, sticky pyjamas.

Blake heard soft crying outside his bedroom door, he listened closely for a few seconds before throwing off the covers and opening the door, his heart melted at the crying child who had clearly had an accident. "shh shh it's me, Blake" he whispered as he ushered her towards the bathroom. "what happened Helena?" Blake gently asked.

"I I I woke up and I had to pee and it was really dark and I couldn't find the b b b bathroom" the child said with a cracked voice. "You don't like the dark Helena?" Blake questioned. Neal had warned him that they were trying to find out what she had been through months ago, that it haunted her, he guessed it had something to do with the dark. The girl shook her head in answer to his question. "I'm just going to grab your backpack ok?" Helena stood there whilst Blake went to grab her stuff, fresh, salty tears fell down her face. Blake re-entered the bathroom and searched the backpack until he found dry pyjamas and a spare pull up – his brother Wyatt had warned him about the earlier incident and that Helena wore pull ups to sleep. As he pulled the pull up out of the bag Helena's eyes went wide and she cried harder, "P p p please don't tell anyone I w w w wet the bed and wear nappiesss" she croaked. "Shhhh, of course I won't tell anyone! Remember what Wyatt said about Elcee?" The recognition showed in Helena's eyes and the tears subsided. Blake peeled the wet clothes off the tiny girl and cleaned her up, he opened the pull up for her to step into then helped her into fresh pyjamas. "Do you feel better now Helena?" Blake asked gently, she nodded but continued to cry, " I I I I want Neallllll" she cried. "You will see him tomorrow baby girl" Blake reassured her as he pulled her to his chest and picked her up – she was remarkably light Blake thought to himself. He rocked her in his arms until the tears stopped and she began to get sleepy, he stroked her hair and rubbed her back and then walked slowly to Elcee's room to put her back to bed. Laying her down he pulled the covers up to her chin and then checked Elcee was dry before exiting the room. Blake smiled, Helena would be like another little sister to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2019 ⏰

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Helena Caffrey - Neal's little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now