🌈Boreo🌈Sheet Anchor By:Insomniac Owl

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Boris's weight is an anchor, his sleeping body slung over Theo's, mouth warm and dry at his neck. "No," he'd said the night before, vehemently, shaking his head. "Potter I will not let you do this thing." Theo, high on painkillers, drunk out of his fucking skull and wanting to die, struggling against him toward the bridge. Rushing black water. Death by hypothermia if not on impact. It comes to him in pieces: bright-eyed flashes of memory, rain in the street, fierce whispers in the dark. This, apparently, was how Boris had kept him alive when they were kids, too, stories Theo wouldn't have believed except that they dovetail so well with what he knows of Boris's character, and what he remembers of his own mental state during those two long years in the desert, sunburned, half-crazed with grief and drugs. Which really hasn't changed much, all these years later, if he's still waking up to Boris weighing him to the bed, keeping him alive and killing him at once.

"Potter," Boris's voice says, warm and rough in the morning stillness. One hand searches out Theo's in the sheets - across his collarbone to his arm, down his elbow, tangling their fingers together in sleepy warmth. "Go to sleep. Is too early to be thinking."

Except it isn't. Hobie is already up. Theo can hear him in the kitchen, the copper rattle of the kettle, floorboards creaking underfoot. The rubbery sweetness of eggs on the stovetop. And they have so many things they need to do today.


Theo yawns into Boris's hair, hooks an arm around his waist. "Yeah yeah," he says. "Fuck you."

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