🌈Boreo🌈christmas is different with you ttoziers

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boris, theo noticed, was absolutely fucked over. it wasn’t an unusual sight, of course, and especially not on christmas eve what with all the eggnog they stole, but it was a sight nonetheless.

boris was shirtless and dancing around the living room while screaming out the lyrics to some song in ukranian. popchyk was running around him in circles, yapping in what to theo's dunken mind sounded like the same beat. the song was vaguely familiar to theo, but he didn't have half the mind to think about it, or to think about anything, for that matter. he was simply content watching boris.

theo was, to a degree, slightly less drunk than boris. it didn't take as many drinks for theo as it took for boris to gain the status, and theo didn't know the exact ratio, but he was only assuming according to the fact that he wasn't yelling and dancing as well.

boris stopped his singing after a few minutes. "why don't you dance with me? is lonely on the couch there, no?" he quipped, putting down the bottle of vodka he had been holding.

theo snorted, then hiccuped. "im not a dancer, boris. the last time i danced was at a school play in fifth grade and i tripped over my own shoelaces."

boris only shrugged. "are you sure? i think dancing here with me is better than whatever you are doing," he said, gesturing to the three empty cans of beer besides theo.

theo shook his head. boris sighed, but went back to dancing. he started a new song in a different language. russian, theo guessed.

the christmas season had never been theo's favourite. there wasn't really any reason other than the fact that he didn't like green or red, and quite less did he like green and red on every decoration in the apartment, but his mother insisted. he didn't mind the colours as much now, but it didn't matter, because he had boris.

theo didn't quite know how to explain it, but with boris, everything was much different. things were dramatic and weird and new and stupid everything good that he had never experienced before. but theo was drunk. maybe it was just his mind talking.

boris stopped dancing again and raised an eyebrow at theo. "you look tired. what is the time?"

theo only closed his eyes."how the fuck should i know?"

he heard boris breath out a puff of air, and before he knew it, he was being lifted off of the couch. theo's eyes flew open and his fingers grappled for purchase on absolutely nothing.

"boris-you fucking monster-what the hell are you doing? put me the fuck down," theo yelled, grabbing boris's curls and blushing at the sound that it made him make.

"calm down, potter, i only think you need sleep, and i know you are a lazy fuck, so i am carrying you to bed," boris stated triumphantly, regaining his posture and throwing theo over his shoulder, heading up the stairs.

"i can walk, you know! boris, seriously-"

"oh shut up, we're almost there."

theo pouted as he heard the door to his bedroom open. how did boris make it up the stairs so quickly in the dark? and how was popchyk so fast to catch up with them? theo started to feel dizzy.

boris threw him onto the bed and pulled a cigarette from out of nowhere, lighting it while smirking at theo, who stuck his tongue out at boris.

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