I'm talking to the furniture

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So me and a few friends stayed after school and basically just ran around the building and we found three spinny chairs and were rolling around on the auditorium when we decided it would be fun to do a little mini rp
And uh
Logan: *Talking to Roman*
Roman: *Stops spinning for a moment and looks at Virgil, who's facing away from them* What'cha doing over there, Virge?
Virgil: *Turns the chair around slowly to face them* I'm talking to the furniture.

Logan: I'm going to my room to work *Scoots over to the corner of the auditorium that is his room, still in the chair*
Roman: What do you think he does in there? He can't be working all the time.
Virgil: Probably cry
*Quiet sounds of Logan repeatedly hitting his head against the wall while giving himself a pep talk*

Roman: We should watch a movie
Virgil: We should
Roman: Wanna see a really old crappy movie so we can make fun of it?
Virgil: Yes.
Roman: We should invite Deceit to watch with us. He likes making fun of things, right? I mean, he does it all the time!
Virgil: Yeah yeah definitely
Logan: I don't think Deceit would-
Roman: Shush, nerd

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