Welcome to the 3 am club

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1. Why do cockroaches only exist when it's 2 am and I forgot to brush my teeth
2. I just realized I could've been screenshotting my sketches and posting them in my art book this whole time
3. P sure my therapist completely ignored the fact that I was in therapy for the possibility of depression and instead only asked about the possibility of insomnia
4. I started this SSS club why does it feel like I'm being kicked out
5. I originally had a plan for what 2. was gonna be but I forgot so now I'm just listing stuff
6. First night is tomorrow that's pretty cool
7. Girlfriends are pretty great, I have one and she's adorkable
8. I stole a a bow and arrow made out of sticks from GSA club and I'm keeping it
9. I need one more
10. There we go

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