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After sometime, my eyes are opened. I find myself hanging in the air, in headstand position. Never ever I did that in my past world, I think. Some how, I manage to get to the ground and then I see that huge curtain in front of me. I go closer to it and with my both hands, I try to slide it at one side.
I find the caliginous wall behind the curtain. There is no other world as I was imagining.
On the wall there is my name with a message with a bright light:

"Turn Back, You dont have much time".

As soon as I see this message, I become aghast, appalled and powerless. I am subjugated by some force which has instilled fear within me.
I am unable to move but I try harder to move an inch then I somehow succeed. I run like a child, here and there in a zigzag manner until I find a bright light.
As  soon as I enter in that light, I am awakened by the same person who made me asleep.
(I am back to the place (Level 1) where all  the people were looking happy. All my thoughts are fighting with each other in my mind, running faster as they can in the speed of light.)

As soon as I see him, I try to run from there as fast as I can to my real world to mend my wrong ways, to ameliorate, to repent, to do good deeds and to beseech, just to  become a better human. I dont know why now I am saying this, out of fear or I dont have much time.
I cry but I don't get my way to home.
I am defeated, helpless and subdued by some kind of force.
As if, any power doesnt want me to go home.
Alas, I am still stuck here in the labyrinth.
Exhausted I am.
Will I be able to open my eyes again in the real world ever?

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