Finding You

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(Heyyy~ future Amy here, I wrote this a few months ago so I just wanted to say that my writing is a lot different now Xox

Ciel Phantomhive

Me and Sebastian were walking down the rainy streets of south London as we were working a case for her majesty. The rain is strong, heavy and cold today  I thought as I reached my hand out to let the rain drops hit against my soft palm but it was slowly moved back to my side by Sebastian who was also holding an umbrella over my head.

"you must be col-" I stopped my sentence and Sebastian stopped aswell looking in the same direction as I was where we had heard a cry of sorts"young master I believe that is the sound of an infant" Sebastian said, you dont say  I cockily think to myself.

I began to walk into the direction where I had heard the weeping noises of an infant. I entered the alley way that the noise echoed from, me and Sebastian began to look around for any sign of the infant. "Young Master" I heard my demon say from behind me "yes?" i ask turning around to face him, I saw a baby craddled in his arms with a soft smile "id say she is no more than 3 months old young master and this was next to her swaddled form" Sebastian states handing me a music box, I inspect it before twisting the key that was placed inside of the winding up part (i dont know what its called xx ), the melody for 'London Bridge is falling down started to play' Drossel? I ask myself in my head "she does have the mark that Drossel Kienz had under his eye painted on her face......" Sebastian said. I looked down at the infant and took her from Sebastians arms, tossed aside and left to fend for yourself huh?.....who does that remind of  "Sebastian.....she is coming home with us...i trust you can get the papers sorted?" I ask walking back to the carrige "yes my lord" Sebastian replied i didnt even have to look at him to know that he had stopped and put his hand on his heart. Sebastian took the sleeping newborn from my arms to help me into the carrige but as soon as i got back in he handed her back to me".

"Y/N" I said smiling looking down at MY little Y/N.

Sebastian Michaelis

"SEBASTIAN!" I heard Finnian wailing "ah what now Finnian" I asked the dumb but strong blonde clearly frustrated with the amount of errors that were happening today "I put mulch around the plants, lots of it and now all of the flowers are dead!" the thick skulled gardener said rubbing his eyes like you would see a baby do. "very well then, I should attend to this matter" I sighed pinching my nose, I walked out into the garden and over to the dead flowers that could easily be spotted, I got to work by removing all of the mulch with my demonic abilities, I grew all of the flowers back into the lovely blossoming ones that they previously were "there all done" I say getting up to go and prepare tea for the young master but I stopped as I heard a meow, as soon as that lovely noise came to my ears I smiled lightly and went right over to where I had heard the little kitten mew.

I started digging through the rhododendrons shrub where I had heard the felines call. I giggled upon seeing a pair of small kitten ears I have found you at last my cute little kitty  I put my hands around the tiny body and gently lifted it up and out of the garden "alas my cute kitte- O.o" I looked at the figure I was holding.....a baby around 3 months old....with cat ears and a cat tail.....not just any baby though...a demon.....neko baby?, a big grin plastered onto my face "even better! now come on my little......Y/N! lets introduce you to the young lord.....even if he doesn't let me keep you....I will have to sneak you around somehow, I may be in a contract but I care for you to much already to let you go now".

It took Sebastian 5 hours, 16 minuets and 2.08 seconds to allow him to convince the young lord into letting him keep this little neko demon as his own.....his own little Y/N.

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