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Ciel Phantomhive (Edited)

(Ciel's pov)

I was in my office doing paperwork as always, i heard a knock on the door and immediately knew that it was Sebastian with my tea, without lifting my head up from my papers I say loud enough for him to hear "come in!". The door opened and Sebastian walked in...for some reason Y/N seemed to be obsessed with him, she always smiles and immediately lightens up when he enters the room. She smiles up at my butler and babbles to him, Sebastian chuckles before serving me my tea and going over to my little Y/N, he picks her up and begins to tickle her softly and coo over her and talk to her, I sigh and roll my eyes as I was slightly jealous that she prefers spending time with my butler rather than her own father "Sebastian could you walk Y/N around the garden to give her some fresh air....also it smells a little smoky...check on bard when your done with that" I say calmly, he bows while holding Y/N and says "Yes My Lord" he goes to walk out but he stops with a shocked look on his face and Y/N starts to talk , the same shocked expression on my own face.

"Yis......meh.......lod" She says with a smile and squeals loudly while clapping her hands together as if she was expecting praise, my shocked expression turns to an unamused one "really?.....out of all the words in the world......that?" her and Sebastian giggle before my butler excuses himself with my daughter and begins to coo over her even more as he makes his way to the garden.

Sebastian Michaelis (Edited)

(Sebastian's Pov)

I was in the kitchen preparing Y/N a snack while she sat in her high chair that was also in the kitchen as It would be absolutely dreadful to disturb my lords meal times by a fussy baby wailing in a high chair while he feasted, I mixed some honey into the bowl of yogurt and added some blueberries (change it if you don't like the sound of it XD x), I smile before turning to my little princess and placed the bowl down in front of her, she squealed loudly before digging in while her tail swayed majestically, she finished very quickly and let out a loud burp and giggled, I sighed and kneeled to her height "little Y/N you must use your manners and be polite, after you say excuse me, can you say excuse me?" I sighed as she just giggled and burped again.

One of my cats jumped up near Y/N and I sigh, knowing my lord would fuss if he were to see the majestic creature "(cat name) how did you get out? come on lets get you back with the others" I say and go to pick (cat name) up but Y/N very loudly and very excitedly yells "MEOWWWWW!" my eyes widen a bit and I cant help but smile and laugh a little, which was the first time I had laughed truly in a long time, I pick my princess up and I take her to our room.

I set her on my bed before letting my cats out and put some toys around Y/N and played with her and our cats all day...that was until I heard the young lord yell "SEBASTIAN WHY ARE THERE CATS IN THE HALL!?!" I sigh before putting Y/N in her crib/cot to make sure she is safe and I walked to the young masters location where repetitive sneezing could be heard from.

Alois Trancy

(Alois' Pov)

I smile down at my daughter who was laying down on my bed and booped her nose and then ruffled my face on her tummy which caused my hair to tickle her face a little, Y/N giggled loudly and thrusted her legs and arms around madly from the ticklish feeling, I lean my head back up and pretend to fall on her but just before my face hits hers I catch myself and then I blow raspberries on her cheek. This is how most of our days go, me and my little Y/N playing all day.....knock knock I growl quietly as I knew that Claude was going to give my daughter to Hannah to take and then he'll take me to do more work. I pick my little butterfly up and held her closely to my chest.....knock knock  "Highness?" I heard Claude's voice through the door but I didn't respond, I stared at the door handle intensely and held Y/N closer to me as I watch the door handle turn, Claude enters and looks at my form that was sat right up against the head board holding my daughter tightly to my chest looking prepared for war. My butler sighs before pushing his glasses up and began to walk over to me, I jump off of the bed and move to the corner of the room that was farthest from him "Highness please, its time to do your work, you have been playing with young Y/N for 6 hou-""BECAUSE I LOVE HER AND I WILL NOT LET YOU SEPERATE US!" I yell and ran around the room with my daughter, avoiding Claude at all costs which was pretty hard but I managed!.

(2 hours of chasing Alois around his bedroom later)

I hissed at all of my servants that had cornered me, Claude had to call Hannah and the triplets in to try and get me, Claude pulled my back into his chest, Hannah tried to grab Y/N and the triplets pried my arms away from my little bluebell. I cry and scream as I watch Hannah begin to walk out of the room with my child who was also reaching for me as we were hardly ever separated, just as Hannah was walking out of the door everyone froze including myself as a little voice belonging to my sweet princess yelled "DADDY!". As Claude was distracted from hearing Y/N's first word I ran past him and over to Hannah before taking my child in my arms and ran way to the other side of the manor, I kissed her nose and carried on getting her to say daddy again and again, the servants were more than fed up well except Hannah who watched in awe after finding me and my little Y/N, they just allowed me to spend the day with my daughter who I snuggled and cuddled all day....and of course played with.

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