Your First Step!

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(Im just here to add that in this chapter you are almost one year old...the next chapter will either be smth about Christmas or a first birthday party, please let me know your thoughts on those ideas xox

Ciel Phantomhive

(Ciel's Pov)

I was in my office as always.....doing always, I looked down at my daughter sitting on the floor playing with her nesting blocks that her majesty had gotten her as a gift.

 I walk over to her and sigh as I sit on the floor in front of her, she looked up at me and smiled, trying to grab my patch "Yis Meh Lod" She says, that's one of the only things she has been saying along with 'on el ov a buler' and 'fech meh mor teeeeee' and a few other words. Sebastian thought the last one was quite amusing and that she sounds just like me, which I think is just ridiculous, I began to help and teach Y/n how to stack and place the blocks.

After a little while of playing with the blocks and some other toys that are designed to train infants brains and get them working, I decided to try and teach Y/n how to walk. 

I begin with holding her hands and helping her walk, I smiled a rare smile at her while she seemed to enjoy 'walking'. 

After a little while of 'walking' I decide to gently let go of her hands, I crouch a short distance away from her. She tries to keep her balance as she looks at me "Come on Y/n! you can do it!" I cheer her on, She squealed loudly before moving one foot forward and then the other, my eyes widen but I keep cheering her on with a big smile. She tries to take a third step but falls over.

 I quickly get up and walk over to her, I gently pick Y/n up and hugged her tightly.

I look over and saw Sebastian standing there 'he watched the whole thing?!'  I yell in my head, he chuckles and walks over to me and takes Y/n from my arms "well done small one, im so proud of you" he says and praises her, he then walked out of the room with her without asking. I sigh in annoyance before sitting down and resuming my work.

Sebastian Michaelis

(Sebastian's Pov)

I walk back into mine and Y/n's room to wake her up as she was still sleeping, I smile at her sleeping form on my bed, Y/n preferred sleeping in my bed with me rather than sleeping in her crib and of course as I am perfectly fine with that as it means I can cuddle her as she sleeps in my arms.

 I gently climb in bed and turned over so I was face to face with Y/n, I gently poked her nose causing her to grunt "little Y/n its time to wake up~" I say and caressed her face softly, her eyes slowly flutter open, she yawns and does a big stretch as I smile at her "there's those beautiful eyes" She see's me and smiles brightly "Mornin daddy" She says, I had spent most of my free time teaching Y/n how to talk so she was naturally more advanced in talking than most babies at her age "Good morning my little demon".

 I smile at her before picking her up and taking her to her play room that the master let me prepare for her. I set her down on the carpet and smiled at her before sitting down and began to read her some books.

"Annnd what does the chicken say?" I ask as I flip the page where there was a drawing of a chicken "bababababa" My daughter says, trying to make the noise, I giggle and continued the book. When I finish the book I place it down and went to grab a new one but I heard the young master call for me, I sigh and stand up "Ill be back momentarily my little sweet" I walk over to the door and go to open it but looked down when I felt to small hands on my leg.

When I looked down my eyes widen when I saw Y/n holding my leg and looking up at me "don't go" She says with an adorable face, I wanted to stay and smother her in cuddles and I also wanted to take her with me but I knew that my master didn't want to see Y/n right now because she slobbered on him yesterday. 

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