When Something Bad Happens

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Ciel Phantomhive
(Held hostage)
"LET HER GO!" I shout at the man who was holding Y/n with a gun near her temple.

He laughs and pushes the gun directly to her head.

"the queen's guard dog ay?.... Your probably swimming in piles of cash aren't you? Heh.... I'll tell you what.... Give me 100 grand and I might let you have your little brat back" He said with his rough sounding accent.

Y/n wriggled around in the man's arms, whining and crying.

Don't worry princess, you'll be okay I say in my head, mainly reassuring myself that this would all turn out fine.

"Threatening to harm a young girl for money? That's very low.... Even for common scum like you" I smirk and rip my eye patch off "Sebastian, this is an order! Get Y/n to me safe and sound no matter what" I say and Sebastian smiles smugly "yes my lord"

I watch as my butler casually walks over to the man named Mr. Harris. Sebastian reaches for Y/n and I tense up when I saw the man pull the trigger.... But nothing happened.

"Work you cheap piece of rubbish!" the man yells and started banging the gun against his thigh

"I think your looking for these Mr. Harris" Sebastian drops a few bullets onto the floor, I smirk as I watch the colour drain from the man's face. He drops Y/n to the floor and stumbled back

"w-what are you?!" He shouts as I quickly take my little angel into my arms, hugging her as tight as I could

"Im simply..." "on 'ell ofa butla" my little girl finished Sebastians sentence, making him gawk a bit. I hug her face into my shoulder as the gruesome sound of the man's death echoed through the night.

Sebastian Michaelis
(attempted kidnapping)
I hum to myself while washing the dishes... Its not like anyone else would get them done anyway, Bard would probably try getting the dirt off with his flamethrower, Mei-Rin would somehow probably drop them out of the sink and onto the floor, Finnian would just break them with his strength and Tanaka.... Well he's just Tanaka.

I sigh when I hear the kitchen door get slammed open, I turned to see the three buffoons who were supposed to be watching my little kitten "yes?" I say with a forced smile.

"Mr Sebastian Sir! I'm so sorry!" Finnian cried, tears pouring down his cheeks, Mei-Rin hugs him and cries into his shoulder while Bard just stands there awkwardly.

"We lost Y/n..." He says with a cigarette in his mouth.

I had to use all of the self control I had to stop myself from ripping all of their guts out then and there, but I just walk straight past them with my smile still on my face as I tried to keep my anger under control.

As soon as I was away from anyone else, I allow my smile to falter and my eyes glow red. I use my demon speed to get to the garden, where the servants were previously with Y/n, I look around for any signs of her, calling her name out as I done so.

While searching for her I pick up her scent which should lead me straight to her.

"im coming my little one" I say with a small smile, following the scent only to find a large group of men standing near a coach.... One of them holding my Y/n who was trying to get away.

"Stop it you little brat!" A different man kicked Y/n in the gut and I couldn't hold back anymore, my anger forces me to change to my demon form and I started ripping each one of them into chunks of flesh, using black smoke to block Y/n's view of the scene.

Once everyone was ripped up, I turn back to my butler form and moved the bodies into a nearby bush, doing this as fast as possible. I remove the smoke and took my little girl into my arms, she squeals and hugs me ever so tightly "that's the last time I let those idiots watch you again my sweet demoness" I nuzzle my face against hers with a small genuine smile.

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