2 - What If?

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For weeks, Stephen Strange tried to cope with his guilt. He tried forgetting Tony, telling himself it was for the best, but it changed nothing. Every morning, he still woke up with an anchor in his stomach, dragging him further down everyday.

He felt miserable. Empty. It was as if his purpose in life had been removed, and all he had to do was wander around, waiting for his death. He felt like he'd failed the Avengers - failed the world. It was his job to end the war. He was the only one with the capability to see the future - and even with that immense power, he'd still managed to get a few heroes to die. 

And nothing could repair his error.



Noth -


He'd seen the future, using the Time Stone contained inside the Eye of Agamotto, in his possession. And he'd already experienced seeing the past. 

So what if he could actually interact with the past? Temporarily return to the war against Thanos and save Iron Man from death? 

His thoughts gushed forth so quickly his mind could barely catch up. If he took a look inside the ancient library in the Sanctum... check out the Agamotto Enchiridions... use a reverse spell - the New York sanctum didn't have any Warp Stones left, but he could get some at the Hong Kong sanctum in the blink of an eye-

Suddenly, his thoughts stopped rushing.
His mind was set.

Feelings of misery and guilt - which were the only feelings on his mind five minutes ago - suddenly evaporated, leaving place for a new emotion he hadn't feel since a long time.

Time's Revenge - Doctor StrangeWhere stories live. Discover now