6 - The Rescue

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Stephen saw it all.
The ultimate clash between the Avengers' and Thanos' armies, his friends and colleagues uniting against the forces of evil. Seeing Wanda destroy entire battleships with a twirl of her hands, Peter twirling around, gauntlet in hand, looking innocently panicked, Thor bring with rage his hammer onto the heads of his enemies... all of this brought almost a tear to Stephen's eye, he who never showed emotions, let alone cried. Right at this instant, Stephen felt a strong bond with these brave people fighting for the world's future. Now he knew it for sure; he belonged with the Avengers.

As the battle brought itself to an end, Stephen started to get ready to enter the combat. He stood up from his hiding place and approached where Thanos was standing, proudly holding his fist up, gauntlet in hand, ready to bring the world to an end with a snap of his fingers - literally.
"I am inevitable," he smirked, and the entire battlefield seemed to freeze, spears stopped clashing, flames stopped gushing, even the air laid still, everyone awaiting the final ordeal.
Until Tony spoke, breaking the silence. "And I am Iron Man." He announced, almost playfully, and snapped. Within a minute, the entire army had crumbled to dust, leaving a lingering smell of ash. Thanos took more time, his body slowly eroding from his feet up. He said nothing, but his expression said it all - no fear, not even rage, just an immense sadness... and even a hint of regret.

At first, the feeling of elation and joy was the only emotion amongst the Avengers' army, but abruptly came to a stop when Tony suddenly crumbled to the ground. Immediately a crowd gathered around him, and he noted Pepper Potts crying for help - as if doctors were just lying around, in this desolate land.

She tried everything to save him, from mouth-to-mouth to heart stimulation, but there simply wasn't anything she could do - the final snap had sapped Tony's life force to the bone.

Stephen knew what would happen. He remembered everything- the funeral, all the people in black suits, the void left behind in everyone's hearts. He'd die - a hero, certainly, but still dead.

Well, that wasn't going to happen. Not under Stephen's watch.

Gathering his courage, Stephen used his cape to fly above the crowd- luckily, the other Stephen was apparently not in the area. Steadying his position in the air, he plunged down with expert control and swooshed upon Tony, under the bewildered crowd's gaze.

He gently grabbed Tony by the arm and, resisting the urge to yell, See ya later, suckaz, he clutched his Eye of Agamotto and disappeared into thin air.

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