3 - The Portal

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A week later, Stephen was ready to go.

Standing in the hallway, Doctor Strange was checking the procedure for the hundredth time, just to be sure he hadn't missed anything. He had everything ready - his Eye of Agamatto, glowing emerald green, was hanging around his neck, and his Cloak of Levitation floating on his back. 

Stephen felt a strange emotion - as if he was about to repent himself. He had commited fatal mistakes, but he was about to repair them. 

And after this mission was done, his soul would be at peace again.

Sighing deeply, Stephen started the incantation, reading aloud from the heavy hardback manual in his hands. 

"Sit vis vobiscum: et caseo et dominabitur in mundo dies unus. Item, tu semper debet manducare tomatoes, quia non sunt bona valetudo." Stephen chanted loudly, forming a circling motion with his hands at the same time.

Suddenly, the sanctum started trembling, making the furniture fall over and windows break. But Strange didn't stop.

"Etruscum te non diligo secuit, et non vult, qui non est. Ego bet vos, non amo pizza qui non est ex hoc mundo..." Stephen continued, and the sanctum trembled even more, almost knocking the doctor of his feet. All of a sudden, sparks flew in the air where Stephen was gesturing. A shimmering golden portal appeared, and through it Stephen could only see darkness. 

Without hesitation, Doctor Strange took a step forward, and walked right into the misty doorway. 


Author's Note:

Hi there! Pretty short chapter there - sorry for the wait! Another one's coming soon. 

Also, fun fact: the incantation spoken by Strange is from actual Latin, a text I made myself. Here's the translation! (Yes, it's weird. Sorry, I had no inspiration)

"May the force be with you, and cheese will take over the world one day. Also, you should always eat tomatoes because they keep you healthy"

"I love pizza, but I can tell that you don't. I bet you don't like alien pizza..."

Yeeeeeah that was a bit creepy. Sorry.

Ok see ya now! ;)

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