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We all were outside and we were heading to nearest amusement park.

Zeyu: why do you wanna go out suddenly.
Zihao: don't question her. I feel like she is kinda sad.
Ming Rui: i can see that she have cried.

I saw Y/n dropping tears one by one and then suddenly she sat down and she let go so many tears. We all went near her and asked what happened but she won't even speak. Then she fainted, we all carried her and we were taking her to hospital and the doctor said that she has a heart problem which can't be be described. We went in the place she was in hospital.

I was holding her hand saying you wont be able to die when I am here. She woke up and got shocked seeing she was in hospital.

Y/n: why am I here??? Crying....
Zeyu: it's alright. Tell me what exactly happened.
Y/n: i don't know why and suddenly mom and dad wants to get a divorce.
Shuyang: hey Y/n! Don't cry to much. That's destroying your beauty.
Y/n: thank you for cheering me up yang yang.

Zeyu: we will go to get some foods and drinks, get some rest.

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