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A Trap is a male looks like/pretending to be a female. A Trap is an male that looks and sounds like a female that will confuse people and think its a female. Men will think of her as beautiful but he is a boy. I repeat a boy. A boy

A Reverse Trap is a female that looks like/pretending to be a male. Some woman may find her handsome but she is a woman. Will look like a Bishounen tho :D

A Loli is a very cute and small child or a adult. A loli is to considered small or small-cute.

-chan : is used for calling a person cute

-sama : A person older than you or calling a person with respect

-sensei : calling some one teacher

Royal Ranking in order

King and Queen
Prince and Princess
Duke and Duchess
Marquess and Marchioness
Earl and Countess
Viscount and Viscountess
Baron and Baroness

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